Chapter 5

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Sorry for any mistakes! I just wanted to update ! I'm excited for this chapter as there is new characters!! Here's chapter 5, Enjoy!!! :)

Sophie's POV

I read the text over and over again.

Unknown:Eww ur so ugly! Your face makes me wanna spew! So glad I don't have to look at ur ulgy face today!!

I loose grip on my phone as it drops to the ground with a thud. Who would say this to anyone?! Its inhuman and mean. Who could do this without feeling guilty? I try and figure out who could've of sent this.Clara wouldn't stoop this low, especially not while facing possible explosion. Besides Mrs Roberts made it pretty clear she wasn't happy with Clara or supporting her bullying. Which means she more than likely got her phone taken off her like she used too when she had done something bad.

I sit on my bed and fall sideways, eventually curling up into a ball. Crying myself to sleep. But I can't sleep and I'm left alone with my thoughts. Thoughts that go around in circles in my head. They destroy me more and more each time I think them. Each second I think about the text I get crushed by what feels like a ton of bricks. Mainly because I still just cant understand why someone would say that to me? And also because someone out there, other than Clara, hates me! They hate me so much they had to go out of their way to make me feel bad. This wasn't just someone adding to Clara's nasty comments and 'following her'. This was another person who hated me regardless of what Clara said or did. They weren't 'working on her behalf'. They were a new threat. I knew this because no one really cares about bullying me. They make the odd comment every now and then to support Clara and suck up to her. But none of them were ever bothered or interested in bullying me. until now. Obviously someone is no longer just trying to suck up to her. No this is worse, they are trying to be like her.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"Sophie! Come down here please!" my mother calls out for me.

Ugh why must it be right now! I had been laying cured up in a ball for almost two hours, not even bothering to move. And that's how I wanted to stay, Curled up trying to savor whatever comfort I could find. I had come to a decision that as long as I stayed in bed with the curtains drawn no one could disturb me. If I shut myself off from my phone, computer and the rest of the world I'd be fine. I could just lay here trying to forget everything, without being reminded of who I am. But that was going to change, I thought as I hauled myself off the bed and to the bedroom door. Opening it and trudging down the stairs, wondering why my mother wanted to see me.

"She wont listen" my mother says as I approach the kitchen.

I pause at the kitchen door wondering who she could be talking to? Looking at my shirt and jeans she could've told me we had company.

"She probably wont listen but Clara needs to properly apologize for what she has done", says a voice none other than Mrs Roberts voice.

I then make myself known, causing the conversation to come to a stop. At first its awkward because mum obviously doesn't know I was listening so therefore doesn't know how to explain why Mrs Roberts is here. And Mrs Roberts is waiting for my mum to say something.

"Whats going on?" I act like I don't know.

"Clara would like to apologize if you will care to listen" Mrs Roberts says softly with hope in her eyes.

I know Mrs Roberts wishes Clara and I were still friends. I could see she so badly wanted her daughter to be a nice person and I could also see that she wished Clara had never been nasty at all. This is what most likely, in most cases, causes the bullies parents to believe their children didn't do wrong. Because they wish their child wasn't like that, so they stick up for their child hoping that if their child isn't blamed for bullying it wouldn't make them a bully. But that is far from the truth, as soon as you harass, punch, pinch, stab and name call you are automatically a bully. I guess you could say we are all bullies in a way. Some of us just choose to grow up and be mature.

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