Chapter 8

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2 hours later-

I approached Clara's house. I remembered my conversation with Tom two weeks earlier, he had said one day I should talk to her. That's how he overcame his bullies. I wasn't sure about what I'd say or if I'd say it, but one thing I was sure about is I felt like today had to be the day I took a stand and say something to end this endless fight.
"We need to talk" I tell Clara after she opens the door.
"Fine" she says plainly clearly not expecting to see me.
"You need to stop being nasty to me.Just leave me alone" I say.
"I don't think so. This is what you get for befriending me. I told you that you would regret it" she smirks.                                                                                                                                                                                                    "Well if that's the way you want it,  that's the way its going to be then", I say. I turn and walk out the front door leaving Clara standing there speechless. Instead of returning to my cousins house I go home instead. The front door is locked so I find the spare key underneath a garden brick and let myself in. Clara didn't want to fix things but I was determined to fix things with mum. It would have to wait till morning though because my parents were already asleep. So instead I got ready for bed and went to bed glad, glad I was finally home and in my own bed.                                                 


I awake in the morning confused to where I am. I got so used to waking up at my cousins it was weird waking up in my own room. But after a few seconds I finally properly woke up. I swing my legs out of bed and walk over to my door and open it. I go down stairs and follow the banging I hear in the kitchen. As I appear at the kitchen doorway my eyes search for my mum. When she  looks up to see who I am, she jumps.                                                                                                                                                                       "Mum?" I says softly, tears threaten to spill. Seeing my mum was getting very emotional for me because of everything that's happened.                                                                                                                                  "Sophie", she says tears starting to brim in her own eyes.                                                                                              "I'm sorry mum, its all my fault, I'm sorry I caused you all this pain. I would like to come home but if you don't want me here anymore I understand", I cry.                                                                                                      "Sophie, don't say that. Its not your fault, its the bullies. I'm mad at them not you, I just took it out on you. I should be the sorry one, I left you at the moment you needed me most. Of course I want you here again. I love you darling, no matter who you are, I will always love you", she's crying by the end of her reply.                                                                                                                                                                                               "I also have something else to tell was Clara that hurt me. I just made it look like I fell to protect her", I say ashamed I lied.                                                                                                                                              "I knew that, Clara's mum called yesterday to say that she overheard Clara bragging about landing you in the hospital", mum sighed. We continued to talk and talk until dad came down for breakfast before heading off to work. And even after he left we continued to talk things out. I even told my mum I was seeing Will. Which I regret because now she is giving me a reminder of how the reproductive system works. Great! After our chat my mum takes me to  school to do a half day to catch up on schoolwork. I felt more confident to do things after my date with Will. He was helping push me through this. Of course though I had to remain strong because nothing had changed people still hated me. I almost turned around to walk back out the gates. But instead I gather myself and take my class one at a time. And I'm glad when lunch rolls around, its a chance to go somewhere quiet to relax. Whilst crossing across the busy quadrangle to my quiet spot underneath a tree just down from the busy quadrangle. I see a commotion happening, curious I go over to see whats happening. Hoping this doesn't end bad. As I get there I see Clara is being pushed by one of her friends, one of the popular girls.                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Take that Clara, your such a fake, two faced dog!" the girl yells, pushing her.                                          "Stop it!" someone yells, then I realize its me. Suddenly every bystander looks to me. I feel small and wish I hadn't said anything, I wish I could evaporate right then and there.                                                             "Your going to stand up for someone that bullied you?!" the girl is shocked.                                                         "Yes I am...Why? Because everyone deserves a second chance", I say.                                               "Seriously?" she looks surprised.                                                                                                                                     "Well how is all this fighting going to solve anything?" I ask.                                                                                 "I'm not saying Clara hasn't done anything wrong but she doesn't deserved to be picked on", I add.I then turn to Clara.                                                                                                                                                                          "I did nothing to you and I had good reason for breaking off the friendship. I hate saying this but your a bully and that's what your going to be for the rest of your life. Do you really want that? Is it really worth bullying me for something that happened a over a year ago? Something you started by the way. I mean you said some really nasty things did you really expect me to act any differently to how I did? How could you have expected me to not be upset? " I question babbling a bit.                                                   Her mood changes as she thinks about this. She looks compassionate and sorry for the first time in over a year.                                                                                                                                                                                 "Your right" her expression softens.                                                                                                                                 "I'm sorry" she admits defeat. I inwardly smile. After a year of her bullying me I finally feel like I have the power. People slowly disperse and soon its just Clara and I standing there.                                               "I just wanted to fit in, you were popular, everyone liked you. So I started the rumors because I wanted them to hate you. And when everyone hated you it gave me more power which made me more popular. Even when I knew I had defeated you I was still so angry that I would never be as popular as you were. That's why I bashed you, I was angry. Anyway everyone is starting to realize how fake and nasty I am. And I finally realize what it's like to be hated. And I wonder why popularity was more important than friendship? It makes me a really awful person that I chose a title over my best friends. I'm a bully. How can I forgive myself for the pain I've caused you and others, the rejection I made you feel? I'm sorry and I know that won't fix the pain you feel but I just want you to know I'm sorry and I'll carry the guilt of this for the rest of my life", she's in tears now.                                                                          "Can we move past all this? I forgive you for any wrong? And I hope you can do the same for me"I say.  "Friends?" she asks in reply.

Friends" I agree with a smile.I smile warmly at her, happy I have my friend back. I've missed my crazy best friend, I just hope we can get back to that point. Who knows? I just hope we can. Things really can change in one day, one moment or even one life.                                                                                                      "Come on, lets go hang out", Clara  nods towards a group of people we know.                                       "Wait, what if they hate me?" I ask hoping I can trust telling Clara my insecurities.                                           "You'll be fine, I'm here for you. I'll make sure they give you no trouble", she assures me.                               "Thanks", I smile. Hopefully she isn't faking it this time.

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