Chapter Two

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TWO – Chase

Am I dreaming?

Oh, I think I am.

I slightly open my eyes. I see clouds. It’s blurry though but I’m sure that it’s the clouds.

I can also feel the soft breeze of the wind. I inhaled slowly as I feel it touch my skin.

I hear a calm rhythm. Something from a stringed instrument. And someone hums an unfamiliar tune.

I can’t say what exactly it is, but it’s like an angel is singing beside me.

Wait. Am I in heaven? Am I dead?

No. I can’t be.

The humming stopped. The rhythm from the stringed instrument stopped too.

Wait. What’s happening? I closed my eyes again. And all I can hear right now is the wind’s gentle whisper to my ears. Then again, I slowly opened my eyes.

“You’re awake”

I heard a voice. Was that my angel?

“I guess” I said and let out a smile. Then again I closed my eyes.

Wait. What?!

I hurriedly opened my eyes as I pull myself in a sitting position. Trying to figure out where the voice came from. I took a glance above me as I felt leaves falling. I was sleeping under this tree. I wasn’t dreaming! This is not a dream! And thank God! I’m not dead!

“You okay?” The voice again said. This time, it’s much louder. It has full of worries.

I quickly turned behind me where the voice came from. I saw him there. Sitting. I froze in an instant. The wind blew quietly around us. This made his brownish hair flip revealing his tantalizing blue eyes. The sun showed up and its rays directed to us. Exposing the real colour of his eyes. His deep blue eyes. He looks like an angel. He can really be my angel.

The wind stopped blowing and again, the clouds covered the sun.

I suddenly felt my cheeks grow hotter when I realized that his face were only few inches away from mine. We both looked away. Damn. That was awkward! I put my palms on my cheeks as I try to remember what happened before that.

Awkward silence

“You fainted” He said anxiously “your head hit my guitar then you fainted.”

“Uh…yeah” I said still avoiding his stare “I remember now.”

Another awkward silence

Damn. I felt embarrassed! I hit his guitar then I fainted! What was that? I think I’m going to faint again. What to do? What to do?! I clenched my fists as I feel a little bit tense. Why am I like this? I breathe slowly. Then closed my eyes, let out a sigh and opened my eyes again. I slowly faced him. He leaned at the tree and starts to strum his guitar. I became interested to what he’s playing. I move slowly beside him so that I could clearly hear it.

Suddenly, he turned to me. I looked away immediately. What the hell? I felt my cheeks become hot again. I stayed silent and all I can hear is my heart’s loud beating. I bit my lower lip as I avoid his gaping eyes. Is this because I’m embarrassed?

Hey Mitch! Just breathe! Breathe!!! My mind told me.

“Hey!” he said and lets out a soft chuckle.

“I’m….Sorry” Then I slowly looked at him but still avoiding his eyes.

“It’s okay to be embarrassed” he sighs.

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