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She was at her first party when she realised that she was better off as a DJ than on the dance floor. Ever since then she did nothing else but play amazing music for others and watched then have the time of their life's. She tapped her feet, she shook her head and occasionally her hands went up. She wanted to dance, she really did. But she was owned by her insecurity.

Will she ever be free?

One day when she was doing the same a guy approached her, 'Dance with me?' he asked. She shook her head to the beat saying no.

Will she ever let go?

A few days he came again, 'Dance with me?' he asked again. She shook her head to the beat saying no again.But this time he wanted to know, 'Why say no when, clearly, you want to dance?' she shook her head, 'I can't dance,' she said. 'I'll teach you,' he replied but, once again, she shook her hear to the beat saying no.

Will she ever go ahead?

A few days he came again, 'Come on!' he exclaimed this time . She shook her head to the beat saying no. 'Why?' he asked to which she replied, 'I can't dance,' again.

Will she ever unpack?

He looked through the crowd at her, their eyes locked and she knew the question he never stopped asking, 'Dance with me?" she closed her eyes and shook her head to the beat in a no. She never looked his way again.

Will she ever love again?

A few days later when she was packing up for the night she heard footsteps. When she turned around she heard the words again, 'Dance with me?' she was about to say no for the hundredth time to him but he spoke before she could, 'I'll guide you. Please?' he pleaded. 'But I was just packing up,' she hadn't denied, he smiled, 'I can take care of that,' he took his iPod out and played soft music. They slow danced together.

She is free.

A few days later they met again.It was, once again, just the two of them. This time he played EDM and took the lead in their little dance. She lost herself.

She let go.

They met like this for weeks now and she danced every time. She was getting better, better at embracing the gift she was insecure about. She didn't need to get better at dancing, she was gifted.

She stepped ahead.

A few days later he came again, their eyes met through the crowd.The words were familiar, 'Dance with me?' she shook her head to the beat saying she was good up there. Her behaviour made sense to his now, he understood finally that it was insecurities that held her down. He simply met her after the club cleared out. They danced.

He understood.

For a few more weeks they just met after everyone had gone. He danced with her in the middle of the night. Her dance was hidden among the darkness of the night with her body hidden in dark cloths. The daylight never got to see how beautiful she was when she danced. But it was fine with him, he knew she trusted him and he knew that he was the first person she danced in front of, she trusted him. And he loved that. He loved her. But he hoped that she'd love herself just half as much, it was enough to help her get rid of her insecurity. 'You are beautiful,' he whispered in her ear.

He gave her space and time.

He came again. But this time when the club was full. He asked her the same old question again, a frown took over her clear forehead. It was okay, he didn't expect her to accept. Just when he was turning away she held his hand, he tuned around to see her smiling a nervous smile. She went with him but didn't dance till she felt heat in her throat and alcohol in her veins.

Insecurity still owned her.

The pattern continued but what was he could sigh a sigh of relief about was that every time she needed lesser amount of alcohol to dance. When he came again one day she denied dancing with him. She was aware that she could never do it sober and she didn't want to drown herself in alcohol again.

She started to embrace her insecurity.

That night he danced with her after the club had cleared out. They slow danced this time, holding each other in their arms, she felt at peace but yet, she was not. She was very well aware that she was unable to step down and dance this time. She rested her head on his shoulder, sighing. He rested his head on her's. They stayed that way for some time before he spoke, 'Let go of your insecurity, let goof that pain. You are beautiful and limitless and nothing can hold you back. You are prefect and you, love, are infinite. So, love, laugh and, most of all, don't forget to live.'

She started to unpack.

He came again but this time he didn't ask her. Last night it was clear for him that it was too much for her. He decided to wait by the bar for the club to clear out she he could hold her in his arms again, the party was starting to cool down anyway. When he had just finished his drink and set it down on the bar counter he felt a hand on his shoulder, he tuned around to see her, 'Dance with me?' she asked with a smile playing on her lips. He looked at her with confusion for a few seconds before he recovered, he turned around to the bartender and said, 'Woah, how strong did you make that drink?' with a smile of his own, he turned around to her and offered her a drink. She shook her head. He raised his eyebrow in surprise but got up and led her to the dance floor. They danced like never before. But it was not because of reasons he hoped for, it was not because she loved herself now, it was because she loved him. And, now, it didn't matter to her all those people around her. He was the only one that mattered and she finally knew that she did in fact love her, in spite of the imperfections she thought she had, she knew he loved her.

She finally loved again.

And then they danced again, this time she was not hidden among the darkness of the night, it was bright and the sunlight made her skin shine. This time her body was not hidden by a layer of black, she wore white. This time they were not surrounded by people how didn't care who they were, they were surrounded by people they loved and who loved them and were happy to see that after all these years, she was happy again. This time they were not just two people who danced with each other at a club, this time they were husband and wife. And as they danced their first dance, she whispered to his, 'I knew that the man who would be able to make me dance would be the one for me,' they looked into each other's eyes and they knew that there was no one in this world who could love them as much as the other person did. They kissed again, sealing the promise of a lifetime.

She finally embraced the gifts she had.

What started off as a small favour ended in love that would last a lifetime.

♥ - spring, emotions, love, childhood, vulnerability

♣ - summer, intellect, musing, youth, irresponsibility

♦ - fall, security, judgement, adult, responsibility

♠ - winter, health, acceptance, old age, transformation

enjoy reading.
xx theora


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