Paradise final

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"The world where you would go hand in Hand with the flower maiden is neither perfect happiness nor joy or life, this is because it also does not contain perfect sadness nor misery nor death" darcia spoke just before opening his mouth and growling.

"He actually did it" Hige said stunned "he turned into a wolf"

"What lies in waiting is a paradise for wolfs alone. The unclean humans are no more"

"Bastard!" Blu hissed keeping cheza close to her "you killed killed pops!" She glared letting go of cheza and standing beside Hige.

"Come with me cheza it is time .What I have become is great need of you." Darcia said while walking down from the ledge and calmly walking towards the wolfs. "Don't come any closer!" Kiba warned just as Jamie ran to protect cheza. "Hige, go on ahead!" he ordered lowly walking towards Darcia "Take cheza, Jamie, and Blu. keep them safe."

Darcia chuckled evilly as they both jumped and bared their fangs into each other's flesh. Darcia toke a big bite out of kiba's legs making it so he broke the bone. Darcia then turned and growled running down the mountain to get cheza but suddenly blu got him before they could even jump off.

Blu bit darcia's neck but that didn't stop him from flipping blu over, right as they almost landed, making her be on the bottom and crash down on her back making sickening cracking of bones be heard.

Cheza clung onto Jamie as she tired to stay calm through all this. Darcia then nocked back Hige out of way when he was trying to aid blu, but wasn't fast enough to make it. Darcia then turned to look at Jamie who was still in her human form, before he said "I'll leave you for ..last" then went back over to blu stepping on her neck before bitting down on her jugular.

Kiba ran and stood protectively infront of blu while hige bit darcia's ankle while still on the ground giving a hateful glare. "Hige!" Jamie gasped when Darcia gave a wicked grin and bit his stomach "ah!" She then started to run and try to take cheza to safety but within a second of starting to run.

she looked back

"Jamie!" Kiba yelled running over to bleeding female. "I'll... be f-fine" Jamie reassured smiling weakly as her blood stained her clothes and the snow red "go get cheza...Darcia took her." "I will!" Kiba said jumping up the mountain in a hurry.

Jamie slowly started to push herself up and looked at the mountain "going to take awhile" she whispered before jogging over to the mountain and jumping to the top before taking off running. Luckily she had enough strength to be able see Kiba and Darcia fighting.

"Are you alright?" Jamie asked cheza but noticed a dark green blood that almost looked black was dripping from her bite wounds on her back. "Tsume?" She questioned seeing that he just saved Kiba from having his neck ripped out by attacking Darcia giving him a scratch on his back. "Talk about pathetic" Tsume scoffed.

"Where's Hige?!" Kiba asked worried but the stoned look on Tsume's face was all he needed as an answer.
"Why do you continue the struggle? It is pointless...paradise can not be open by the likes of YOU" Darcia snarled.

"Save your breath pale .I already know!" Tsume barked glaring at Darcia just as the ground shook, they looked up and saw Jamie helping cheza to the top. Jamie was having some problems with breathing as cheza had to have her lean on her "almost...there." Jamie panted clutching her shirt tightly in pain.

"Cheza!!" The two females heard Kiba yell. As they stood over the edge they looked back and smiled at him before cheza started to fall in dark void below she pushed Jamie to be caught by kiba's arms.

"Tsume are you alright!" Kiba yelled letting go of Jamie who was looking down at the dark void that cheza fell into. She frowned as a few tears left her eyes before jumping down and landing beside cheza.

"The moon comes closer to this place then any other...reflecting it's light in the mirrored lake that lies below. only here can the true paradise be opened" Darcia said to Kiba who was infront of him.

"Why discard what you are becoming a wolf?" Kiba asked

"Any paradise I tend to open as a Nobel would pale in comparison, when I saw Jaguara's paradise with my wolfs eye I understood it was nothing but an illusion. Homina is not there no the Homina I once loved no longer exists. I was able to revive the hidden wolf within me by using this one" Darcia said before coughing out what looked liked a black rock but it shattered once it touched the ground.

"In this world, there are wolfs and there are creatures that were created from them not all humans were born from the wolf, there are also those who began their existence as wolfs but they abandoned their true form and embraced the guys of humanity none of them are aware of this they have forgotten what they once were and can never change back"

"And your telling me that you actually remembered?" Kiba questioned getting a evil smirk from darcia who had the expression of a maniac.

"A single notion occurred to me: every thing that's happened was preparing the path to guide you here"

"What?" Kiba questioned as his eyes widen slightly

"Why do you think your clan died out? Leaving you as the soul survivor, you never had a pack, you have always be the uniquely created wolf" darcia said but looked back at Jamie who laid unconscious next to cheza.

"Although, you weren't the only one uniquely created. I brung two others from another world, too see what would happen" he stopped and looked down at Jamie who's hair was covering her face and bleeding out from her wound.

"I never imagined the older one to live while the younger died" he snarled bearing his fangs making kiba growl at him "Of course!, the only way to open the gates of paradise is the blood of this wolf!" He growled

"NO!" Kiba yelled running to Jamie to stop darcia from killing her "Hahahaha, Why should you be protecting this mongrel? When she'll only be in your way?" Darcia asked kiba who glared at him not letting go of his neck to keep him from biting her.

Kiba let go of darcia who then turned away from Jamie "She is something that is precious to me, more then paradise!" he growled before lunging at darcia going into an all out fight.


"K-Kiba" Jamie said weakly looking up at the dark sky as her vision was blurred. She could only see color and the shapes of some things while trying to get up.

She limped slowly, clutching her shirt that was now drenched with her blood that came from her chest wound. There was no way of stopping the bleeding despite her attempts to try.

Her vision was becoming dark now and her legs grew weaker by the second. She stopped and casted her eyes down lifeless eyes. Kiba's body laid just a foot from her.

Struggling to take another step, she fell on knee as the pain in her chest grew more as she started coughing up blood like she had a bad cold.

Looking at the blood that stained her hands she forced herself up only to fall on her back with a small groan.

Placing a hand on her wound while her leg was bent up a little. Looking weakly up at the sad gray sky that snow gently fell down on her pale face.

She thought of how this was the end and that through everything they've been through they never even once were asked about how they came from the past or found a prophecy about them.

"Heh..." Jamie laughed weakly but it was barely audible, her eyes lids were heavy and her body no longer felt pain or cold. For her heart had stopped beating and had closed her eyes for a final sleep with a smile.

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