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Jamie's p.o.v

The sounds of a city woke me up. I sat up slowly putting a hand on my head, but then realized something about myself didn't feel normal. I looked into a piece of broken glass from an abandoned shattered mirror laying to the side against a concrete building next to me and saw that I was a wolf.

I had light brown fur with white on the bottom of my stomach, neck, chin, front left paw, and the tip of my tail and ears.

Looking around I saw that I was in some sort of city, but the only cities that I've been to are San Francisco and San Diego this city didn't look all that busy just a little dull by many of the concrete streets.

"Why does this place seem so familiar?" I asked myself, walking around aimlessly still as a wolf. It's actually not all that bad you just feel shorter. A car suddenly speeds around the corner stopping right in front me. These soldiers in blue uniforms with muskets formed a barricade circle around me.

I moved my eyes around to see just how many soldiers there actually are, so far I've counted fifteen 'crap' I thought as they loaded their guns and aimed at me. I made a mad dash getting through the soldier's wall but escaped with a shot left arm and left leg but I still made it out alive.


Running and dripping blood was not good so I tried to look around for someplace to hide and rest. I went out from the alleys into the open to find a single tree growing from the solid gray ground with a hole at the bottom that had shade in this entire city "guess I.. can rest there" laying inside the tree was relaxing. I was breathing a little unevenly because of the pain from my bullet wounds but then I heard something come inside the tree I didn't have the strength to move other than just listen and hoped that whatever it was won't kill me.

I felt it sniff me then laid its head-on me 'ok so it's not going to hurt me?' it started to lick my wounds making me groan, it hurt at first but I bared through. It stopped and growled.

"Wow look at the size of that dog" I heard a mans voice "I've never seen a dog that big before," another man's voice said I couldn't see what was going on because whatever was on top of me kept me from getting up "that's not a dog. Pull it out" another voice demanded it was more masculine than the other two.

I felt myself being pulled out of the tree 'do they not notice this thing that is on top of me?" I did nothing but allow them to pull me out, that's when the thing on top of me growled and started to attack the men.

I can hear their screams and the sound of guns being fired. Managing to find the strength to get up and when I did I couldn't believe my eyes. A white wolf and gray wolf with a scar in the shape of an X on its chest were right in front of me, but something else got my attention.

When did we get on top of a building?

As the wolfs fought I heard a kids voice yell out "Tsume!" Looking over on my right I see a kid like the one from the anime Wolfs Rain. I've only seen one episode though knowing what's going to happen to this kid tonight makes me want to just run away so I don't have to see it happen.

Tsume kicked the wolfs wound making it back away. I got up on all fours as the kid started to swing his wrench around making the wolf back up, wanting to help I ran with a limp to the kid biting his wrench startling him. Shaking the wrench out of his hands keeping it in my mouth before throwing it over the building everyone stopped and looked at what I just did. I looked Tsume to see the wolf was running away so I wanted to follow taking a few steps before looking back at the kid I said "I'm sorry, kid" then ran in the same direction as the white wolf.

Catching up the white wolf, limping through the street with me not being used to having gun shots in my limbs making it hard to keeping up then I heard a howl my ears perked up immediately, hoping it was my friend Victoria if she's here.

The two characters from wolfs rain that I did not want to encounter: Blu and Quint came charging at me. I had no strength my eyes were duel and my energy was almost gone not having enough time to move blu pounced on top of me biting my neck until I was down.

The white wolf noticed and knocked blu off of me but I didn't get up. He stood over me protectively baring his fangs at Blu as Quint loaded his gun toke aim and fired at my savior that died right before my eyes. I looked up at Quint who said something before using the back of his gun to make everything go black.


when I woke up I was in a cage that was next to the my savior since I was still in my wolf form tired as hell. I noticed another wolf sitting in front of my savior's cage it was a honey colored wolf with a collar with an X around its neck they were talking but I couldn't hear and my vision was not fully focused. I blinked to see my savior was out of his cage in his human form.

The second wolf was in his human form as well and started walking out but my savior stopped and turned his head a little. I blinked, my savior was looking at me from the other side of my cage he put a hand through my cage, gently rubbing my head.

I feel asleep but not fully, just enough to feel myself being carried on someone's back and the smell of the cool night.

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