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"sweetie, how has taehyung been doing lately?" mrs. jeon asked jungkook out of the blue when they were having breakfast.

jungkook knitted his brows in confusion, "good, but why are you asking about him?"

"really? has he been treating you nicely?" mr. jeon questioned further.

"of course he has. dad, he's my best friend!" jungkook uttered.

mr. jeon simply nodded in reply.

"jungkook, tomorrow a friend of mine will be visiting us for lunch. she's bringing her son so i hope you can make friends with him." mrs. jeon spoke.

jungkook was a bit confused as they rarely had guests, but nodded anyway, "okay, do i know him?"

"no. his name's park jimin. he's only older than you by a few years." mrs. jeon replied, looking at her son fondly.

jungkook formed an 'o' with his mouth as he nodded and went back to his meal.

"jungkook?" mr. jeon called out.

"yes?" jungkook asked, looking up from his food.

"i'd prefer you hang out with other people rather than taehyung. how about you go find new friends." mr. jeon suggested.

jungkook had a perplexed look planted on his face, "what? why?"

this time mrs. jeon spoke up, "we don't like seeing you with taehyung."

"i don't understand." jungkook said, feeling a bit annoyed at his mother.

mrs. jeon sighed hardly, "jungkook, taehyung is different from the others. he's not worth your time."

jungkook felt his blood boil in anger, "how is he different? he's perfectly normal." he uttered, trying his best to sound calm.

"taehyung is not a good influence to you. you must stay away from him as much as possible." mr. jeon said firmly.

"and why is that? what has he ever done wrong?" jungkook asked through gritted teeth.

mrs. jeon pursed her lips, thinking of the right words to say.

he sighed, "look. mom, dad, you both know taehyung's the only person who wants to hang out with me. i don't get why you're both acting like this."

"no, jungkook. you need to listen to us for once." mr. jeon begged. "it's for your sake."

"you always say that. i'm not allowed to go out alone. i should avoid talking to others. and now what? stay away from taehyung? are these really for my own good?" jungkook asked, raising his voice.

"taehyung will only make your life harder. please understand us, we just want the best for you." mrs. jeon pleaded, looking at her son in the eyes.

"why would he make my life harder when he's the reason for my happiness? without him, i wouldn't know what i'd do alone." jungkook argued.

his parents glanced at each other, thinking about what they should do about their son.

mr. jeon sighed, "jungkook, we're here to help you. you need to trust us. stay away from him for your own sake."

jungkook shook his head and frowned, "you're just repeating yourselves. i'm not leaving him until you tell me why."

"taehyung is not who you think he is." mrs. jeon said, making jungkook even more confused than he already was.

"then who is he?" jungkook asked.

mrs. jeon hesitated for a while before facing him again, "that, i can't tell you."

jungkook stood up from his seat, preparing to leave, "i don't understand why you're doing this. you keep saying you're doing everything for my sake, but it only seems like you're ruining my life. i'm not leaving taehyung."

he turned around and rushed out of the house, hearing yells from his parents as he did so but ignored them.

he ran to taehyung's place and immediately rang the bell as soon as he arrived.

the front door opened, revealing a messy-haired taehyung who seemed to just wake up from his deep sleep.

"taehyung, i need your help." jungkook said, entering his house.

taehyung sighed and closed the door, walking back to the living room where jungkook was at.

"what do you want?" taehyung asked, leaning against the wall and rubbing his eyes at the same time.

"it's about my parents." jungkook said, his voice softer than usual.

taehyung who sensed the sadness in jungkook's voice, made his way to the couch and propped himself beside jungkook.

"what is it this time?" taehyung asked soothingly, gently rubbing circles around jungkook's back.

"i don't understand them. they're telling me to stay away from you." jungkook told him, fiddling his fingers.

taehyung creased his eyebrows, "why? what did I do?" he asked curiously, feeling a tad bit sad.

jungkook sighed and looked down, "i don't even know. they told me that you're not a good influence."

"well that's bullshit." taehyung spat and rolled his eyes.

"i know." jungkook said curtly, looking down.

"tell me more. no, in fact, tell me everything they told you." taehyung said.

"they said you're not who i think you are. what's that supposed to mean?" jungkook groaned.

"i'm not who you think i am? then does that mean i'm a serial killer or something?" taehyung joked, when in fact he felt broken on the inside.

jungkook finally let out a chuckle, "that's why i don't get them."

"don't worry, i'm sure everything's gonna be alright. wait, you're not thinking about actually leaving me, are you?" taehyung asked, having mixed feelings inside.

"no, of course not! i'd never do that to my best friend." jungkook reassured, giving him a warm smile.

"that's what i thought." taehyung muttered, smiling back.


revamping all over again! i noticed there was a lot of problems with the vocab and a few grammatical errors so i'll be correcting them and i might change the plot abit to better improve it (:

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