You Never Know

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Sooooooooo!!!!! this is like

my first story ever!!!!! yayy!!!!!! :)

i dont really know much about toxins and stuff like that so im writing off basic knowledge :3

sorry if its not all correct! bear with me hear!!

so tell me what u think of this first chapter kk??



   Its been two and a half years since the bombing.

   It was never figured out who poisoned the earth, but whoever did it was an empty shell rather than a person.

   The bomb killed everything. Animals, humans, plants, everything you could imagine. Dead.

   My name is Ally. I am one of the few thousand people who lived through the bombing. My Mother and Father were killed. The only family I have left is my older brother and our dog Kage. We live alone in one of the only buildings left standing in the area we used to call home.

 I sat on the top floor of an abandoned building. Behind a broken window, I sat there looking at the vast expanse of dead grass. Brown lifeless grass. The sound of footsteps and padding paws echoed through the empty room.

   "C'mon Ally. We gotta go." My older brother Mason stood next to me looking out onto the sea of brown.

   Mason and I have always been together. He's always protected me no matter what the danger. He's 17 and I'm 14. Mason was tall and skinny with blue grey eyes and thick blond hair spiked in a natural Mohawk with black tips he got dyed a couple days before the bomb.

   I was short with blond hair that went halfway down my back and had icy blue eyes . I was a dare devil. I was always the first one to try something new and exciting, but now, im more cautious with my decisions. Although i still do make stupid mistakes that my brother always corrects.

   I looked at my dog Kage and he looked right back at me. Kage was four years old with black eyes that looked right into your soul. We don't really know what kind of dog Kage is, but my mother said he's half wolf. He even looked half wolf with a thick white-ish grey coat that almost constantly had dirt in it. Kage walked over to me and layed his head on my lap. I patted him on the head softly.

   "We'll find food soon. I promise." He looked up at me with soulful black eyes, and licked my face.

   I laughed quietly and stood up. "I'm ready, lets go."


   We climbed down the stairs quietly neither of us talking. Kage padded down the stairs next to me, while my backpack thudded softly on my back with each step. Mason paused at the third floor stop, and took his backpack off. He zipped it open and took out two gas masks. These weren't the full faced gas masks, these were the kind that only covered your nose and mouth. Mason handed me one and put his on. I pulled the strap over my head and put the mask into place.

   The ground level was so toxic, a human could only last about two or three days without a mask. In the first couple months of the bomb we tried different methods of a mask for Kage but he didn't seem to like anything so we decided he could live without one. Surprisingly enough hes lived through two years without one. We just wondered how long he could last.

   As we walked down the last flight of stairs I could feel the air get thick with poison. We finally reached the bottom of the stairs and stood in front of a large metal door.

   "Ready?" Mason asked through his mask. I nodded, and Mason pushed the door open.


   The sight outside the door was the most pitiful sight you could ever see. There were dead trees everywhere, along with some small bones of dead animals. A couple feet to the left of the door was a bird, recently dead


   Sooo!! this is the first chapter of my first story!!! II know its kinda short but,,,

i will make the next chapter very soon!! i promise!!!

so tell me wat u think kk??!!


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