Justin's turn.

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*1 week later*


my sister had come up with a plan to help me chose. Each boy had one night to sweep me off my feet. They had to come up with creative date. Then after both dates I would have to chose. They had one condition though. They couldn't be mad if I didn't pick them. They would still have to be my best friend. They had both agreed to that term. It was a Friday night & Justin was up first. I put on a blue T-shirt & black skinny jeans & I did my hair & makeup. For once I thought I looked nice. I heard the door bell ring & I bounded down the stairs. I swung open the door to see Justin standing there in a blue button up shirt & black jeans. His hair was slightly messing. He had probably been running his through it. He did that when he was nervous. Justin smiled & bit his lip hesitantly & spoke. "we match!" he said with an incredibly cheesy smile. I smirked at him. "no more chit chat let's go." Justin said as he gently took my hand & led me to the car. As we drove I wondered where we were going. "Justin where we heading?" I asked breaking the comfortable silence we had. "oh just your favorite place to eat." Justin said as we pulled into a parking lot. A smile stead across my face. We were at farmhouse my favorite restaurant. We walked in & were escorted to a booth. "& after this were going to the skate park. Justin said with a smile. Even after his accident he still wanted to skate, but me I would fall off a board every time I tried. Was Justin mentally insane. "I'm going to break my face." I bluntly replied with a small laugh. He smirked then the waitress took our order & me & Justin started talking again. "ok then if I mess up my face skateboarding I'm blaming you!" I exclaimed as I took a drink of my shake. Justin laughed. "ah your face could never be messed up so your fine." Justin said with a smile as the waitress brought our food. My face turned slightly red at his compliment. We ate & then we were out the door to the skatepark. We got there & justin put a helmet on. After his accident I wouldn't let him skate without one. He smiled & plopped another helmet on my head I smiled as I buckled it. "knowing you you'll need a helmet it being you you'd probably end up worse then I was." Justin said with a laugh as he set a skateboard on the ground. I smiled but his accident haunted me everyday. I had nightmares about him never wake up. Shivers went up my spine as I shook the thought away. I smiled once again at Justin. He had a slight scar on his forehead from the accident. The doctor said it would never go away. A constant reminder for him & everyone around him. "alright come on Ms uncoordinated." Justin said picking me up under my arms & setting me on the skateboard. I felt my balance not steadying well. Justin was still holding me trying not to laugh. He let go & I fell flat on my ass. Justin started laughing because he knew I just hurt my butt. I turned around & smiled at him. He hopped on the board & did some kind of kick flip. "see babe it's not that hard." Justin said with a smirk. I jokingly glared at him. Then we got in the car & headed home. We stood on the porch for a moment. "so um yeah we've only like kissed twice & stuff & I was wondering-" Justin started but I cut him off. I wrapped my arms around his neck & kissed him. I felt him smirk against my lips as I kissed him. I smiled as I went inside. "good night!" we both called in unison. As i walked to my room my head was spinning. Justin Bieber was not a bad kisser. Not a bad kisser at all.


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