First Day Part 2

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As I walked down the hall to the front office I bumped into a someone. I fell with a thud, a wave of pain ran through my butt as I fell to the hard ground. "Oh man watch where you're going freak" a girl whined,she had on a tight pink mini skirt and white shirt that showed every single one of her nonexistent curves. "What ever you say" I scoffed and pulled myself up from the ground.

I looked at the millions if eyes on me, "great entrance" I mentally groaned. I dusted off myself and walked into the front office, after I enrolled the lady handed me a schedule. I looked it over and was satisfied, I walked out of the office to an empty cafeteria .I walked down a hallway until I realized something. I have no earthly idea where I am going. I looked down the orange and white hallway until I saw it split like a cross. I walked to the middle and saw a slab with room number 'D Hall rooms D250-D300' it read. I looked at my schedule 'Homeroom:D267' .

I sighed and walked down the hall, D250 my heart began to quicken with every step I took. D255 I passed the classrooms and luckily they were all closed, D260 I started fiddling with my hair making sure everything was in place. D265 I continued walking until I was directly out side the open door, I stood to the side so no one could see me. "Ok class we are expecting a new student she should be here momentarily so be nice and make her feel welcome" a male teacher spoke. I took a deep breath and stood in the door frame, I lightly knocked on the door making everyone's head turn in my direction.

I silently groaned as the teacher waves me inside. "Hello there I'm Mr. Alexander and I'm your home room teacher" he smiled, his forehead had lines when ever he smiled and had thinning brown hair but also a genuine smile. I smiled and shook his extended hand "and tell the class your name" he spoke, I nervously turned to the class and put on the best smile I could do. "I'm Hailey Blue" I said softly, I looked at the bored expressions on the students faces.

"Well welcome to room D267" Mr.Alexander smiled ushering me to an empty seat 3 rows toward the back. I pulled my bag strap from the opposite shoulder and laid it beside my desk. A bell rung 30minutes of me sitting awkwardly while everyone else talked releasing us to 1st period, I got up and walked to Mr.alexanders desk. "Excuse me Mr.Alexander but could you tell me where room A10 is" I said putting my schedule on his desk and pointing to the room number.

"Ok so the school has 3 floors and it is separated accordingly, 1st floor is all D and half C, right now your on the D wing. Second floor is half B and C then 3rd floor is All of A and the other half of B. So you'll be on the 3rd floor close to the stairs since your class is only double digits" he spoke with hand gestures. I soaked in all the info and nodded thanks before leaving out of the door. The class was full of students walking in every possible way, I bumped into tons of people while walking and none of them stopped to say sorry or excuse me. I chocked back any emotions and just walked forward. 'This year I just need to go unnoticed, no drama or anything unwanted' I kept rethinking as I walked up the less crowded stairs.

"Hey your the new girl" someone said beside me, it was a girl with black mid back length hair and grey eyes and dimples showing. "Yeah my names Hailey" I smiled and continued walking up the stairs, "and I'm Hanna but people call me Mazi" she smiled "where are you headed to" she asked as we trudged up the stairs "A10" I said trying not to pant and seem like the stairs had no effect on me, "me too follow me" she smiled.We walked side by side up the stairs until we reached the third floor, "thanks (pant) for (pant) helping me" I wheezed "no problem and don't worry about the stairs you get used to them" she giggled.

I followed her down a hallway until we reached a science room, "ready" she smiled. "Ready as I ever be" I sighed and messed with my hair again, "your hair looks nice" she reassures me before opening the door. She lightly grabbed my hand and pulled me inside of the class room, the first thing I saw was the stuffed armadillo and some freaky bird. "Aha there she is and welcome to class Mazi" a short woman smiled whole heartedly, "welcome to Chemistry CP" the woman smiled "I am Mrs.Stump and I will be your teacher this year" she said.

She motioned me to the front of the room, I followed and introduced myself to the class. "My name is Hailey Blue" I waved, "is there any questions for Ms.Blue" the teacher asked the class. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as no ones hand raised, "alright then take the seat next to Mazi" she smiled and patted shoulder. I nervously giggled and slowly walked to the desk beside Mazi. I sat down and pulled out a black note book and black pen, the teacher talked and wrote things on the board. No one else was copying the notes but myself, I continued copying and chewing on the pen cap.

After notes Mrs.Stump gave us the rest of class to get to know each other until the bell rang. Me and Mazi talked but my eyes kept flicking to a blonde guy with brown roots and blue eyes and braces. He didn't know I kept staring...well I wouldn't call it staring more like an extended glance... Until his eye flicked over to mine. I quickly looked back to Mazi, she was sitting right in front of me but one seat over from were I could see him so it wasn't obvious. Out the corner of my eyes I saw him glancing at me.

The rest of the day went along those lines minus the eye tag. The only person who talked to me the whole day was Mazi but I was ok with that. When I got home my sister was no where to be found. 'Probably out' I thought. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a quick snack before heading into my room. 


Breasia here! Hope your enjoying this book so far. If you are then here's an awesome though Vote, fan us, or leave a comment:O Oh and if you're as amazing as you seem you'll do all threeXO haha.

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