Chapter 25

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Today was the day we leave Montana and go our separate ways I was still sad about the things Matt said yesterday

I finished up packing and I was putting Charlie into his cage I threw some clothes on(outfit in the pic) I put my hair in a messy bun I just left my make up on from last night my mascara was smudge and my eyeshadow was smudged also my eyeliner made dark rings around my eyes but I didn't care I felt shitty so I wanted to look shitty as well

I grabbed my bags heading downstairs to see Cameron,Nash and tris everyone else left early since their flights were early tris gives me a sincere smile but I don't smile back I didn't want too I didn't want to smile when I didn't feel happy what so ever I lost Matt I lost him for good this time I mean't what I said when I told him I hate him because I did he talked trash to me like I was shit but for some reason a piece of my heart still loves him and I know it always will

We got into the car that we rented I sat in the back with Nash while tris and Cameron sat in the front I laid on the glass window ready to go home to lay in my warm cozy bed we pulled to the airport I hop out the rental car walking inside the airport I hand the attendant my ticket I walk inside the tunnel I take my seat tris sits beside me while the boys sit behind us

"Are you okay?" tris asked

"I just wanna sleep my life away"I whispered but loud enough for her to hear I laid my head on her shoulder she laid her head on top of mine

Matt's P.O.V

I fucked up I fucked up so bad I didn't mean any of the things I said to Riley they were so hurtful I could see the hurt in Riley's eyes I could tell she wanted to cry but she didn't because she wanted to be tough but when I told her to get An abortion that's when the tears came flowing which made my heart break Into a billion pieces and those words I'll never forget those words that constantly played in my head over and over again since yesterday

"I hate you Matthew Espinosa I wish I never met you"

Those words hurt so bad like someone ripped my heart our of my chests and stomped on it until it was crushed like someone set my heart on fire and watched it turn into ashes I didn't mean the words I said I was just scared out of my mind I was freaking out I'm not ready for a child I can't even take care of myself I lost my child and the love of my life I'll never see my child being born see it's first step first words I'll never get to see it's face I wonder if it's gonna be a girl or a boy I hope it's a girl I always wanted a daughter so I could treat her like a princess I wonder if the baby is gonna look like me or Riley or maybe both guess I'll never know Riley's not gonna want to ever see me again she hates my guts I needed some one to vent to usually I would vent to my mom but she's dead so that's out of the picture then I thought of my dad I dialed his number he answered in the third ring

"Hello"he answers

"Dad I fucked up"I sobbed

"What's the matter son?"he sighs

I told him how Riley told me she's pregnant and how I said these mean things to her and how I told her to get an abortion and when she slapped me and other stuff like that.

"Well son I have to admit you deserve to get slapped" he said I roll my eyes

"Dad what do I do"I ask

"Well go apologize to her tell her you didn't mean what you said maybe she'll be sympathetic and forgive you"he replies

"Yeah your right dad I gotta go bye" I say hanging up the phone I grabbed my car keys running outside to my car I started the ignition speeding off to Riley's house when I got there I pulled up into the drive way I hop out of my car slamming the door I knock on her door minutes later the door open revealing her

She looked so sad and dull she still had her make up on from last night but it was smudged she had bags under her eyes her hair was messy and she was wearing baggy sweatpants and a hoodie

"Matt what are you doing here?"her voice was soft but it had pure hatred in her voice

To be continued...

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