chapter 4

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I pull up to the house after talking and catching up with matt I decided to get home since I was super tired I unlock my house door I walk inside

"Where the hell were you!" Cameron yells as I walk into the living room

"I had work then I hung out with matt" I say

"You had me worried" he says brushing his fingers through his hair

"I'm sorry"I reply he nods "where's tris and Nash?" I asks

"They went on a date" he says "oh okay I'm gonna change" I say

"Okay" he replies I walk upstairs into my room changing into some sweat pants and a crop top I walk back downstairs I sit beside Cameron who was watching tv

"Wha'cha watching" I asks "scream tv series" he says I nod watching it with him i noticed him staring at me in the corner of my eye I look at him

"What?" I smile "your so pretty" he smiles I blush looking down

"Riley can I asks you something" he speaks I look up

"Sure cam" I say "I'm not really good at speeches but I really like you and I'm not confused anymore I know what I want and it's you what I'm saying is Will you be my girlfriend" he says pulling out a ring it had diamonds all around it

"Yes cam I will be your girlfriend" I smile he slips the ring onto my finger he pressed his lips on mine I kiss back our lips moving in sync we pull apart

"I'm so glad your mine" he smiles I smile back in return the rest of the night we cuddled and watched movies before sleep took over me


Next Day

"Their so cute" someone gushes

"I know right"someone else replies my eyes flutter open seeing Nash and tris in front of me Cameron's arm was wrapped around me

"What are you guys doing?" I asks in my sleepy voice

"Watching you guys sleep" Nash says "you guys are weird" I say slipping out of Cameron's grip I walk to the bathroom brush my teeth then take a quick shower then got dress I put my hair into bun for make up mascara,eyeliner and red lipstick I walk downstairs to see Cameron awake

"Morning sleeping beauty" I say he gives me a playful glare making me giggle he pecks my nose then walks to the bathroom my phone chimes meaning I had a message I take my phone out of my back pocket it was a text from matt

Matt:hey wanna hang today :)

Me:sure come to my house :p *address here*

Matt:see you in a bit

Me: sure thing:)

I put my phone back into my back pocket I sit on the couch Next to Nash "so you and Cameron huh?" he smirks I playfully roll my eyes

"Since you want to know nosey yes me and cam are dating" I say

"I knew it"he replies making me laugh "you know Matt's not gonna like this" he said making me frown

"Why would he care he has a girlfriend now" I reply

"Matt still loves you I know he does I can see it in his eyes"Nash replies could Nash be right does matt still love me no,no he doesn't he has a girlfriend

"No he doesn't he has a girlfriend" I say Nash rolls his eyes  Cameron comes walking in

"Babe I gotta go my mom needs me then I'm doing a photo shoot with Bryant"he says

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