Chapter 50

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Question for Ryan
fanfic_1982 :how happy are you for Riley?

Ryan: super happy for her actually,she deserves to be happy and to have some one like matt love and cherish her and to have that beautiful little girl she has

Two weeks later

I sighed. Looking at the plus sign on the stick, I was pregnant?! How was I gonna tell matt? Would he even be happy if I told him or would he be mad and it would just end up like last time when I told him I was pregnant with Mia I don't have want to ruin what we have we're happy right where we are in life,thinking of that day made me sick to my stomach I felt all queasy inside

"Riley are you okay?" Matt asked from the other side of the door i stood up flushing the toilet walking over to the sink and washed my hands "Riley?" Matt said again before I could tell Matt I was fine he barged in the door making me swiftly turn around I quickly hid the pregnancy test behind my back

"Are you okay?" He asked walking towards me "Yes matt I'm fine" I nervously chuckle "why didn't you answer me then" "I was in the middle of using the bathroom" I tell him "Are you sure your okay?" I nodded giving him small smile "I'm okay" I lie he nods giving me a weird look I raise my eyebrow at him

"What's that behind your back?" He questioned. My heart began to race "o-oh it's nothing"

"Riley?" He warns stepping close to me I backed away only backing into a wall "what's behind your back?" He asked again

"I told you nothing silly" I chuckle putting a strand of hair behind my ear he walked closer to me trying to grab what I had behind my back, I tried moving it out of his way but he quickly snatched the pregnancy test out of my hands. I sighed closing my eyes wanting to cry this was it everything we had is gone again "Your pregnant?" I stared at him letting a tear fall down my face

"Yes Matthew I'm pregnant! What,what are you gonna tell me to abort the baby,tell me it's not your child" I croak he looked at me in shock "baby no I wasn't going to say that why were you trying to hide this from me?" "I was scared that you wouldn't want to be with me anymore I didn't want to ruin what we had" "babe of course I want to be with you no matter what and your not ruining what we have" he says cupping my face "I love you and Mia and I'm gonna love this baby to" "and if anything I'm happy about this" he smiles my frown turns into a smile

"Really?" I say in a excited tone he nods with a smile "really" he confirms embracing me into a hug lifting me off my feet "were having another baby!" He yells at the top of his lungs making me laugh he puts me down putting his hand over my stomach I place my hand on top of his "I can't wait to see his or her little face" he smiles at my flat stomach.


There was a knock at the door so I ran over to it revealing a police officer,I raised my eyebrow folding my arms over my chest "hi how may I help you?" I greet him "Hi I'm looking for Riley Cato" he says his voice deep and firm, "that's me"

"I'm officer Smithers, I wanted to inform you that yesterday at approximately 8pm we found and arrested Christopher Peterson for your rape charge he's held at avenal state prison" those words made relief wash over me,i was finally safe. I no longer had to worry about Chris ever coming back to hurt me. I finally will have justice

I nodded with a faint smile on my face, "thank you for telling me " I say he nodded "the Los Angeles superior court will send you a letter informing you the date of the court case I advise you to get a lawyer ms.cato" I nodded again "thank you again officer Smithers" he nodded once more before walking away to his cop car, I shut the door and sighed turning around to see matt standing there with a faint smile I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist he pecked my cheek as I pulled him into a hug "I'm finally getting justice after all those nights when I couldn't sleep because I thought he would come back for me. After all those countless nightmares I had of him, they finally caught him" I said with a shaky breath as a tear slipped, it wasn't necessarily sad tears more like tears of joy I feel so content in my life and so much safer knowing that rapist will be in jail.

"Shh let's not speak of him anymore, the past is the past let's leave him there" matt tells me I nodded pulling away from the hug wiping my face "let's celebrate with champagne!" He yells I give him a look which makes his mouth turn into a "O" shape realizing that I was pregnant "well I'll have champagne while you drink apple juice" I laugh shaking my head as he pulled me into the kitchen Mia followed after us "what are we celebrating daddy?" Mia asked as we watched him pop open the bottle of champagne he picks Mia up setting her on the kitchen counter "were celebrating life sweetie, and how great and beautiful it is" he tells her making me smile "can I celebrate with you?" She asked with excitement in her eyes

"Of course you can!" He smiles pulling out three cups pouring apple juice into two of them and champagne into the third cup "you and mommy will drink apple juice while I drink champagne because you and mommy can't drink champagne"

"Why can't mommy drink champagne? she's a grown up" Mia questioned with curiosity in her eyes, matt and I looked at each other with giant smiles plastered onto our face "well mommy has a baby in her stomach so I can't have any champagne right now" I say to her she snapped her head towards me with a giant smile

"Your having a baby!" She screamed ecstatic, she jumped off the counter walking over to me wrapping her arms tightly around me

"Yes baby I am" I chuckle at her excitement, "I can't wait to see my little brother or sister" "I hope it's a girl- wait no! I hope it's a boy! Wait it doesn't matter because I'm gonna love it no matter what" She gushes making matt and I smile, I was happy words couldn't describe it. I have a beautiful family, I have my bestfriend who's also my fiancé and I can't wait for the day he will be my husband and I will be his wife, I couldn't wait to see this beautiful baby that's growing inside my stomach each and everyday, I couldn't wait to watch him or her grow up with Mia and I couldn't wait to grow old with Matthew, my life was perfect right where it was at I wasn't gonna lie,I will forever cherish and appreciate it and never take it for granted because everything I have could vanish in the snap of a finger, Like Matthew said celebrate life.


Welp this is the end😭, thank you so much for reading and I appreciate you readers that take the time to vote and comment,I gladly appreciate it and always will. I never thought that "bad girl "and "you again?" would get so many reads and so much love that both books get, I just can't express how I feel knowing that so many of you like my stories because I never really thought they would get so many reads and great feedback.It makes me feel good that people like my work, but anyway this is the end I may or may not write an epilogue to this I don't know it depends,This is probably the last time I'll be writing on Wattpad it's time for me to say goodbye no more writing fanfiction I'm kinda tired of writing stories that will never come true you know? Why write about characters that you wanna become when you can become that person or writing about things that you will never do when you can take a risk and do them, and that's what I'm gonna do become the person that I've always wanted to be and do things that I never done things that I always wanted to do,Anyway farewell guys

                     Sincerely, Ileen❤️.

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