Chapter 2

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So, this is the second chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!


3rd person pov

"Father?" A young boy asked his father while they were taking a walk along the property.

"Yes Perseus?" The boy's father inquired curiously.

"How did I get here?" The boy identified as Perseus asked while looking up at his father with innocent eyes.

"I told you, I'll tell you when you're older." the fatherly figure answered before he picked up Perseus who laughed and forgot all about his question and asked his "father".

"Can I stay up and watch the sun set and the moon rise?"

"Well..." His "father" said unsure.

"Pleeeeeeeeeease" Perseus asked begging.

"Sure." Perseus' father replied.

"Yay!" Perseus said while clapping his hands together.

Then a man wearing chitin and a spear strapped across his back, approached Perseus and Perseus' "father."

The man shouted "Hello Odysseus!"

Odysseus with Perseus still on his shoulders turned.

"Uncle Achilles!" Perseus yelled jumping off Odysseus' shoulders and running to Achilles and giving him a hug.

Odysseus approached at a more leisurely pace and when he got close enough Achilles nodded his head.

"Perseus, go back inside with Mamma Penelope." Perseus didn't look happy but knew it was important and ran back to the house not hearing what the two heroes were talking about behind him.

---Time skip of Awesomeness Did you guys miss me?---

10 years later

Perseus is now 16 years old, but looks like he's 20.

Perseus pov

I remember the day they came. They as in the army of Agamemnon and Menelaus. They came looking for my dad, Odysseus. I wouldn't let them take him; not without me.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The knocking at the door sounds very ominous, for some reason I can't quit place. I hear dad walking to the door to answer it. It finally snaps, it's a soldier knocking!

"Dad don't!" I cried out from the balcony.

Dad looked up at me and said softly "I have to Perseus."

I ran down the stairs and stood by my father as he answered the door.

"By decree of king of the Greeks Agamemnon and his brother leader of the Spartans, Menelaus you have been ordered for you and all available troops in your army to aid us in the battle of Troy for Menelaus' wife lady Helen."

"No thank you." Father replied shutting the door but a foot blocked it from closing.

The soldier whose foot was blocking the door said "It's not an option Lord Odysseus."

"What about my family." Dad said gesturing to me and mom

"They will be compensate." The soldier replied.

" Like you need money." He muttered.

"It's not the money I care about." Dad answered back "I just want to make sure they'll be safe."

The soldier's eyes light up a bit in understanding "I see," He said softly "Don't worry, you'll come back to them soon enough."

"I guess then..." Dad said grudgingly

"Then I come too!" I said.

The soldier looked me up and down while my dad's eyes asked "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"You look fit enough" the soldier finally said "But where's your sword?"

"I use a bow." I replied shortly.

The soldier nodded and said to father "See you on the battlefield Odysseus."


Sorry for the short chapter but if you can tell, we're going to the Trojan War!

I personally love these stories and thought I'd make one myself.


Until the next chapter!

Bob OUT!

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