naomi pov ( three months earlier )
i woke up ,with a huge headache , my hair was a mess , my face had dried tears everywhere , i was hungry but didnt want to eat , i did my hygiene and things , i put on a pair of grey shorts my black and grey nike shirt and some black knee high socks . i went to the living room and seen cj on the couch ,talking to zoe ,trina ,eve and the boys .
" hey baby girl how you feeling " cj said as i walked to him and sat on his lap .
" im ok ,just dont understand why she wouldnt tell us about her having cancer ,and then she moves with lamar and now she dead and the last thing we did was argue and she told me she loved me and i was too pissed to say it back , its my fault " i said crying into cjs chest ,he just rubbed my back then zoe just busted out crying ,ace picked her up . we all were just crying for what seemed like alll day.
" naomi its not your fault that your moma had breast cancer , dont blame yourself for nothing that you couldnt stop , so wipe those tears stop crying and eat something please you hadnt eaten all day " cj said i just shook my head and went in the kitchen and guess what i grabbed , a cosmic brownie , hes gonnna flip but i didnt care he said eat something .he didnt say anything just shook his head . its been a three months since the funeral , and im still crying about it , my nanna still has sky but she is so in the slums it doesnt make sense .
eve and trina being the bestfriends they are they hvent left our side since the night i called them and told about moma , they were my moma kids too , thats just how close we are , cj has been my support system this whole time two , without him right now i probably would have went into a deep depression ,and got sick , i really love him for everything hes done for me period. the funearal was nice , seeing her face brought a smile because she had a smile on her face which me happy to know she was in a better place .
" so are we not going on the family vaca " trina said breaking the silence
" hell yea we are , we need a break " cj said making us laugh
" yea i guess so ,nanna has already got our plane tickets ,our car rented ,and the hotel rooms " i said
" so when are we leaving " eve and k.t said
" Friday morning , i kinda forgot to tell yall, before ya know " i said
and they nodded, it was kinda fucked up that we just went to a funeral two days ago and now we got three days to pack ,i mean were only going two weeks ,but heyyy at least well be able to get our minds off things.
" well let us go im getting tired and im hungry for a pickle " eve said , and everybody looked at her like what the fuck
" but you dont like pickles " me and k.t said , i looked a trina who looked at zoe who looked at eve and we all smiled .
" you pregnant bitch" we all said and looked at k.t who smiled at her.
" yea we are i found out right after you told us , i wanted to wait till we got to Florida but i just had to open my mouth " she said and we both laughed and hugged i was happy ,me and my best friend was gonna have a baby at the same time , our kids are gonna grow up together .
" oh god that mean me and steve aint finna hear the end of it " ace said and the boys laughed
" what you mean " i said looking at cj and the boys
" i mean yall finna have these fucked up mood swings and cj gonna call k.t and k.t gone have the same damn problem so they call me or steve " ace said and i threw a pillow at him.
"well we out yall ,much love " trina and eve said and they left .
at florida (leaving back to atl)

diary of a insecure fat girl (being edited & revamped)
General FictionNaomi Taylor is a girl that is insecure about her self when in reality she's a beautiful, smart, big bone girl who lets her weight and trust issues get to her, until she meets chaz who shows her how much she's really worth, will she trust him...