Naomi's pov
Its been a week since we left memphis and that fucking fight ! man that shit was crazy and honestly all i remeber is me looking back and seeing summmer talking to cj and her talking shit to me like she my damn moma like really i wont ever argue when im ready to ffight ,hell i wannna knock you the fuck out .
" babe you ready" cj said pulling out the car ,we were headed to drop sky at the airport with candy ,shes taking sky to florida for her birthday , no cj didnt want her to go but i begged and so did sky , he loves that girl to death and wont let him out of his sight and thats what i love about him.
" yea come on sky ,have fun ok and be good " i said getting her out and walking in the airport to see candy waiting on us .
" yea and listen to tt candy you hear or ima bat ya butt when you come back,i love you " cj said hugging and kissing her .
" he wont beat you i promise now go on" i said hugging her and she ran off to candy.
" bye cj ,bye nana i love yall " sky and candy said
" bye " we yelled back and went back to my car.
we got in the car and cj pulled out his phone and i dont usually be noisy but today i was for some reason ,this nigga was calling candy ...ALREADY
" bae calm the hell down they gone be alright " i said snatching his fone out his hand and throwing it in my purse.
" damn man you always sntaching shit dont get hurt naomi" he said dead ass serious.
" nigga shut up and drive you aint doing shit " i said mugging his head
" ight nana i keep telling you i aint summer i fight back homi " he said laughing
" that shit aint funny ,and where that hoe anyways i aint done with that ass " i said in the most serious tone ,i really dont like her and i like almost everybody ,except nick ,lol nah thats my nigga im kidding but we pulled up at a new trap zoe got it was nice to be a trap house.
" man you mean as hell now come on " cj said grabbing my waist as we walked to the door where the gaurds were .
" wassup big mike " cj said shaking up with mike.
"wassup cj,nana come on " he said opening the door ffor us ,we walked in and everybody was laughing at something .
" aye whats so funny " me and cj said together and everybody stopped and looked at me and then bursted into laughter.see zoe must have shown them the video thta k.t ugly ass made during the fight ,since we came back to atlanta we havent seen any of the crew so they didnt know about it ,but they know now." what the hell so fucking funny" i said sitting on cj lap .
" yo mike tyson ass " nick said
" yea ali i mean nan why you knock home girl out " drew said ,nicks brother ,he was so cute but a shit talking nigga like his brother .
' omg drewsky when you get here i missed you and fuck you nick got to hell " i said hitting nick upside the head and hugged drew.
" i got here a week ago but what happen in m town my nigga " he said
" well this skank that luse to fuck with cj was jelouse cause he with me and we
seen her in wet willis or watever and she was talking to him rubbed all on him like she didnt think i was there so i blacked out you know me ,i really dont know what happened after i walked over to cj" i said and zoe started talking.
" well for one you knocked her the fuck out ,and two you almost got jumped so me snd the girls hopped in that hoe and we pulled our guns and you pistol whipped summer " zoe said making me laugh.

diary of a insecure fat girl (being edited & revamped)
Fiksi UmumNaomi Taylor is a girl that is insecure about her self when in reality she's a beautiful, smart, big bone girl who lets her weight and trust issues get to her, until she meets chaz who shows her how much she's really worth, will she trust him...