2.) Coinkydink {Rewritten} [1]

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6/2/16 A/N: Helloooo. I'm back. It's amazing, I know.

I've continued with my process to rewrite all of my old chapters, and this is also a rewritten chapter. However, since I'm rewriting them, they end up being so long, so I have to split them up in parts. This chapter right here is part 1 of 2.

The original "Coinkydink" was a story with an abusive stepfather, and this version is much newer and entirely different from that. It's a whole new story altogether, and it doesn't relate to the old one at all.

Thank you for reading, lovely duckies. I hope you enjoyy. After all, this is probably the cheeriest thing I've written in a long time.

The song is Cough Syrup covered by Melanie Martinez.

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2.) Coinkydink 

(Oliver Harris)

As many people scurry throughout the room, I look around and watch them talking amongst themselves. The people at their tables are mostly eating, talking, or laughing. The atmosphere is probably the greatest part of this place. The room feels familiar and welcoming, which is probably what draws people here.

"Oliver, take the next customer," Marcus shouts at me since something happened with one of the other waiters. I look towards the door and see a man standing there in the same expensive, smoothed-out suit. His face is stoic while he holds his usual briefcase. I walk over to him, causing his gaze to land on me.

"Table for 1?" I ask. He nods like usual. "Follow me, Sir," I tell him before I grab one of the menus and walk towards the back of the room. I turn around to look at him. "Would you prefer a table or a booth?"

"Either's fine." He answers gruffly like he has for the past few days. He isn't a very cheery person; I don't know why he comes here. Nonetheless, I plaster on a smile before leading him to a booth in the corner—the one he regularly sits in. He sits down and places his briefcase on the table before he smooths out his shirt with his hands. I place the menu in front of him and then get the notepad and pen out of my pocket.

"Do you know what you would like to drink?" I ask him and watch as he silently stares down at the menu. I absentmindedly start tapping my pen against the paper after a few seconds. "Sir?" I ask. He looks up at me.


"Do you know what you would like to drink?"

He looks back down at the menu and stays silent for another moment. "Coffee, black."

"Okay, I'll be right back with your drink," I say before walking away, sighing with a slight shake of my head.

"You look like you're having fun, Oli," Liz says, smirking at me. I scoff at her before going to the coffee machine. As I get the coffee ready, Liz stands beside me. "Has your brother called about the house yet?"

"No, not yet." I pour the coffee in the cup and look at her. "Last I heard, he and Clara were searching for a new house. I doubt they'll actually do it, though. They say it every time."

"They really hate that house so much?" She asks, amused. I shrug.

"I think it just stresses Jerad out since... you know. I guess it just reminds him of her."

She nods and looks down at the floor. "I'm glad Clara's there for him. She's just what he needed."

I smile softly. "Apparently they're trying for a baby." I comment, making her fist pump and shout out "yes!"

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