1.1.) That's as close as we're getting to a true romance [NEW]

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I'm not dead! This is the same characters from "Eat Me" and very similar plot line, just tried to make it less dramatic. Hope you enjoy.

Song is True Romance by She Wants Revenge. 10/10.

I blink my eyes open to the light barely breaching the translucent curtains. For it to fill the room like this, it has to be close to noon. I sit up, unsticking my teeth from the inside of my mouth and yawning. I look behind myself. Of course he's not there. I stand up from the bed and make my way to the door. I open it and look at the people outside. It seems like they've already eaten as they're all straggled about. I step onto the concrete block and shut the door behind me.

I head to the table where a few are sitting, including Ryder, who's eating a bit of bread probably left over from breakfast. I sit down beside him on the bench. He's laughing at something Abigail said. I ignore her and instead face him. "Where's Joe?" I look down at the table and grab some of the mildly stale pieces of bread. He's still not answered, already aware of what my reaction would be. I just wanted him to confirm it.

"They went on a run. Left about dawn."

I laugh lightly and pop some bread into my mouth, looking out at the water. I swallow and continue laughing. "Fucking asshole." I comment and take another piece of bread into my mouth. I stand up from the bench and walk down to the water, bare feet sinking in soil and too tall grass. I drop into the sun-drained chair that probably has wear in the shape of my ass from sitting here all the time. My knife is on the ground beside the leg of the chair, so unused.

They're fishing in the water, and they're fine. They've got weapons near them. I'm useless here, yet it's my post. God forbid anyone go against the almighty Joe, they'd have to be wrong to argue. I'm tired of it.

I lean back, shorts hiking up a bit from the friction of the chair. I close my eyes and listen to the water and the chatter. It's not a surprise that so many zees show up here. Eventually a hoard will show up and we won't even see them. More than half of these people don't have much experience and are therefore defenseless. They take some of the strongest and they take the weapons.

One day they'll come back to a dead camp, and suddenly tight rations become enough to last enough for weeks. Joe's the type that doesn't realize something until it bites him in the ass. Sometimes it takes chunks in order for him to realize. I was one of the chunks, and he's overcorrecting. Everyone knows it. No one stops it. Most here don't like me. I don't know why they wouldn't send me so I'd have a higher chance of dying. I'm so safe in this fucking chair, and I'm tired of sitting around uselessly. I'm losing my strength and beginning to become as dependent as the rest.

I hear footsteps before Ryder's putting a chair beside me and unfolding it. He plops down and sighs as he settles and looks at the water before us. "Victoria was challenging him; he didn't have much of a choice."

"If she's that mad, maybe she should get off her ass and do it herself." I scoff.

"What about Ally? What's she gonna do with her?"

"Do you know how many women are in this camp?" I ask. I shift uncomfortably. "Fuck, I'll take her just to get out of this damn chair. I don't care if she's colic."

"I don't think she'd trust her with someone else."

"Why not? It's not even her baby. She's no more qualified than any of us. I had a baby sister. I had to raise her myself, yet she won't even let me touch Ally. I swear she just wants that baby as a bargaining chip. Fucking nasty."

"I really doubt that."

"I spend every day and night with her and I only get this much food? Oh, the misogyny, you only care for the men, just like Isaac. He's going along with what she wants like a slave. If it came down to saving that baby or herself, do you think she'd really choose the baby?"

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