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"Ania, Ania! Wake up", mum said. You have a big day ahead of you. "So", I say. "Don't you use that tone with me young lady". "Hmm, zap, no, I can't, pls dont torture me", I say. "What are you talking about. Today you are going to meet you're dad in Greenoak", mum says. Waking up" Are you serious, I thought he was dead," "Why would u think that". "Because for two decades of my life I have never met him or even seen a picture"i reply. "Well have you ever asked for one. You're dad has been working since looking forward to see today and all this while you were thinking he was dead?" Mum is beginning to be sad and emotional. "You never gave me a reason to think otherwise".I say, "Mum please don't feel bad now it gives me the creeps, now that you've told me I don't think he's dead again so if you want us to get the early let's start going". "Okay, call your brothers".mum says. "Ooh, can I call them twiddle dumb and twiddle dee or dumb and...."."Dont even get me started please Ania and we still have to talk about this issue of you thinking your dad was dead when we come back"." Alright, Dredd and Fred mum says you guys should get ready we're taking a trip to go see dad".I shout. "Be serious, what do you mean by dad". Fred the smarter one asks. "Its kinda a long story but mum will get to it immediately we return. "Okay let's go.Mum says allowing all of us to move infront of her into the car as she closes the door.

"Oh my God can't you guys do anything right" Master says. "What do you mean boss". "My children and wife are coming to visit me today after a lot of years and all I want to do is make it look as if a, not suffering by making here look nice while you hooligans keep on destroying everything I do. Now is it fair? I will only arrange here once and if you ruin it again.....we'll see"
'Mum, are you sure dad is going to be happy to see us?'ania asked. 'Of course he will, he hasn't seen you guys since.....only God knows when.'mum replied. As I move forward, a large door opens and I see what was meant to be my dad. 'Umm mum why is he so tall like gianty tall', Dredd asks. 'Its because when I left him he had lost all hope of love and decided to go back to his original for so one of you I don't know who yet is partially a giant' mum replied. He gestured to us by dropping his hand and telling us to jump in it. 'Are you guys do u expect me to jump into some guys hand'. I yell. Looking at me very angrily ' That's not some guy it's your dad and u need to get on now because we don't av much time'mum seemed a little angry at me too. So I do it. He raises us up into his tower or room I don't know what I would call it.. something like a mixture of both.
When we are up, he tells us to go and play that he wants to talk to my mum about something. 'As I was saying, you know Ania has come of age to win the war why don't you want her to go for training' Dad (Master) asks. 'I know it's a generation thing but I don't want her to end up like you'mum replied. 'You still don't have a good way with words, I will tell her myself because time is running out, she has to start today' dad said. 'Umm no offence but I was eavesdropping so mum why didn't you tell me this since' I asked. 'It was because I was trying to p..'mum didn't finish, I didn't let her. ' For that, I'm actually going to go am staying back with him' I yelled. I could feel my eyes wattering but that didn't matter. 'Honey', my mum wanted to continue but I didn't let her. 'Just tell me the familys sercret word I can't remember it'. 'Its ZAP and you be careful out there ' mum said. 'Its don't care, so when is it starting asked. 'Luckily for you young lady it starts today' dad replied.

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