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i feel like i'm in the principles office by the way jack is staring me. i shrink in my seat and it's like he's entertained with me being uncomfortable.

"okay, i know i should be in a museum, but can you stop looking at me?" i snap.

"where were you?" he asks lowly and his question makes me sit up.

should i lie or tell the truth? i decide to tell the truth because i would very much like to keep my job.

"i went to see johnson." i shrug.

"and that was it?" he asks, unconvinced.

jack lifts his hand up to his chin and continues to stare at me. okay, this is really uncomfortable now.

"i ran into olivia and blake too." i add and jack's eyebrows suddenly pull together. "don't act all surprise, i saw you with alexa."

his eyes widen and he leans back in his seat. oh no.

"yeah, to tell her that she had to continue working for a while. you shouldn't even be getting offended!" he throws his arms up which makes me feel taken aback.

"i'm not getting offended." i seethe.

"i am going to be around other women and you can't stop me because you're not my girlfriend. you never will be." he emphasizes.

i lower my head in embarrassment. i didn't think it was going to go that way any time soon. just the way he called me out is making me so embarrassed. i swallow a lump that's formed in my throat.

"you don't think i know that?" i ask him, astonished. "i would never date my boss anyway."


"get out." he bluntly tells me.

i blink, registering his words, "what?" my eyebrows knit together.

"did i stutter? you heard me. get out." he repeats.

now he's the one getting offended.

my eyebrows raise and i scoff, "fine, i will. have a nice day, mr. gilinsky."

i refrain from rolling my eyes and shake my head in exasperation instead. i grab my bag from the coat rack and storm out of his office. oh, how i wish i could slam his office door.

a few days ago, he was begging me not to leave and now he's telling me to get out? what a bipolar son of a bitch. he also hit me with those cliche fuckboy words. 'you're not my girlfriend'. never said i was, buddy.

what am i supposed to do for another two hours until lunch? maybe i could go home and take a little nap and then come back to work? would it be worth risking my effort into doing my makeup and hair this morning.

shaking off and dismissing the thought, i head to the third floor to visit blake. might as well bother him to death. i make brief eye contact with alexa and she shoots me a dirty look. seriously. what is her problem?

i roll my eyes, making sure she saw me before stepping into the elevator. as i wait for it to go to the third floor after the doors close, it doesn't. it suddenly stops, creating a little bump and my eyes widen.

fuck. that's not good.

beginning to panic, i pull my phone out from my purse and call jack. he answers within a second.

"what do you want now?" he groans as if unpleased with me calling him.

"that bitch you call your secretary made the elevator stop and now i can't get out." i snarl.

this is just an assumption, but who else would intentionally stop the elevator?

"what am i supposed to do about it?" jack ignorantly chuckles. "i can only make it stop. i can't start it up again."

"fuck you."

i groan, hanging up the phone. he better be dialing a resourceful number by now because i'm not planning to spend hours in this box. i check my phone and there only 30% left. damn me for not charging it last night.

i lay on the elevator floor, knowing it'll be a while until the elevator starts up again. well, at least that's what i see in the movies. and for what's left on my phone, i decide to play music. little bit by chris brown plays and i look up at my reflection on the ceiling.

jack is going to pay for this. in an unladylike fashion, i prop my feet up on the side of the wall. might as well get comfortable in here, am i right? i trace patterns onto my skirt and i look around the elevator. damn, shouldn't there at least be a camera in here?

as if something flashed in my mind, i snatch my phone and call johnson. he'd help me. i've just realized that i don't have blake's number.

"johnson, pick up-"

"what, kehlani? i'm working." he says right away.

"give blake my phone number. i'm stuck in the elevator." i rush.

"what? why? how?" johnson's voice suddenly fills with alarm and concern.

"that girl alexa, who you called nice, she stopped it. i don't even know why she hates me." i lie, looking at my manicured fingernails.

i know exactly why.

"okay, i'll give blake your number and i'll be sure to tell gilinsky." he tells me before hanging up.

i didn't even get to open my mouth and say anything. i blow out an exasperated and heavy breath and wait for my phone to ring. i hope he actually gives my number to blake.

waiting for the call, i play draw something on my phone. this is draining the battery so quickly, but i'm bored and if i continue to just listen to the piano music playing in the elevator, i'll go insane real fast,

after about 15 more minutes and a 10% left warning, blake calls and i answer it.

"blake!" i almost shout, my voice echoing inside of the elevator. "took you long enough to!"

"i'm sorry." he apologizes and i can practically hear his smile through the phone. "johnson just found me and i called as soon as i got your number. and yes, i know you're stuck in the elevator."

i chew on my bottom lip, "okay, so have you called anyone to come and help me?"

"i told gilinsky and he said he's working on it." he answers.

working on it, my ass. he's probably ignoring everything that everyone's saying and proceeding with work. i put my palm on my forehead and shut my eyes.

"i can't stay locked in here. my phone is about to die-" i'm cut off.

as if on perfect timing, like karma just wanted to get me so badly today, i check my phone screen and the apple logo comes up on the black screen, signaling me at its shutting down due to a dead battery life.

"you've got to be fucking kidding me." i mutter.

i toss my phone to the side and grab a pack of breath strips from my purse. might as well just eat everything i can find in my purse. i'm going to die in this elevator. no ones going to help me. oh god. i'm going to die before go on a date with blake.

i kick the side of the elevator wall due to frustration and put my hands over my ears. this elevator music is horrible. i close my eyes, trying to calm myself down, but end up finding myself drifting off into deep sleep.

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