thirty one

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"no! no!" jack's loud voice shouts. "don't start the game or stop it if you already did."

johnson holds the ball in his hands and everyone suddenly looks confused as to why jack stopped the game.

"she's not playing in a strapless dress." jack flashes everyone a fake smile, but looks pointedly at me.

a blush creeps up on my face due to embarrassment, "i forgot i was wearing a dress." i pout. "i'll go change and then we can resume." i tell my friends.

"remember when you were complaining to me about how much of a dick he was? now he's looking out for you." reagan nudges me.

i step away from the group and make my way toward the house. i grab jack's arm and take him with me.

"you could wear jeans or something." he suggests.

i narrow my eyes at him, "i'm going to wear shorts because it's hot out."

he purses his lips, "okay, fine, but no leggings because sam's out there and he kind of-"

"yeah, i got that." i cut him off.

when we reach his room, i rummage through my shopping bags for something more appropriate. i quickly change into some shorts and a tank top as jack watches. i couldn't care less right now.

"okay, let's go back down." i tell him, fixing up my spaghetti straps.

we both make our way to the backyard again and everyone is taking a group picture.

"wait for me!" i announce, grabbing jack's hand to pull him into the picture.

on the last minute, his hand covers my cleavage and the picture is taken. i roll my eyes, looking at him.

"really?" i mutter.

"for my eyes only." he smiles in response.

"resuming the basketball game." nate says. "there are some additions to the game, though."

i look and see nate separating more people into teams. someone grabs my hand, causing me to look up.

"do you really want to play basketball?" jack whines. "you could just sit down with me."

"come play with us." i try and convince him.

"and shove you again?" he questions.

i smile, "hey, you can't complain. you got to kiss me that night-"

"kehlani, come on." johnson's voice says and i give jack a pleading look.

he sighs, giving in. i clap my hands together and peck his lips.

"yay! jack's on my team." i tell everyone.


"you owe me in-n-out!" i say to nate before he gets into his car.

he's the last one to leave the little hangout. it went for seven hours straight and i want nothing more than to collapse onto a bed and sleep.

"yeah, yeah. we'll start tomorrow." he waves me off.

i begin to head back into the backyard, but jack stops me.

"where are you going?" he asks me.

"i'm going to clean everything up." i tell him.

he smiles down at me, pulling me to his chest, "that's sweet, but i have a maid for a reason."

i pout and he laughs before picking me up bridal style. we begin to make our way to his room.

"you're heavy." jack dramatically gasps for air.

i frown, "you don't say that to a girl." i smack his shoulder in a scolding manner.

"i'm sorry my joke wasn't funny." he smiles, puckering his lips for a kiss.

he leans down, but i move my head so that his lips land on my cheek. he huffs, pulling away. he shuts his bedroom door once were inside and sets me down on the bed. he hovers over me, but i push him off.

"don't be mad at me." he whines. "i didn't mean it."

"i know you didn't." i purse my lips together.

you don't call a girl fat unless you want to die.

"then let me kiss you."

"i'm going to shower." i tell him, getting up from the bed.

"i'll join!" he exclaims, following behind me.

i don't object and let him follow me until i'm in the bathroom. i quickly turn and shut the door before he can get inside. he knocks on it.

"kehlani." he groans. "let me in."

i slowly unlock the door and open it a crack to tease him. his hand slips in to grab me and i laugh, stepping back to dodge him.

"i'm naked." i lie.

"that fast? let me in." he says more sternly.

"i'm good." i continue to tease, but he eventually pushes the door open.

he frowns immediately, "you still have your clothes on."

"you just want me for my body." i say to him, knowing it'll frustrate him.

"no, i don't."

"yes, you do."

"no, kehlani, i don't."

"you always have a sudden interest in me when i mention my body." i smirk, raising an eyebrow.

"i always have interest in you. hello, the barbecue. i had my arm around you the whole time." his eyebrows pull together.

i smile, giving in, "i know, i'm just messing with you."

"what was the point of that?" he asks.

i shrug, "you said you don't have feelings for anyone."

"and then later that same day, i went to confess my liking toward you."


"don't make me repeat myself." he sighs.

"that was the first time you actually said you like me." i cheekily smile.

butterflies suddenly erupt in my stomach and i start to feel this unknown feeling. i'm super happy now.

"well, i like you. now, let's shower." he says.


after a hot shower together, including no sex whatsoever, which is surprising, we both not lay in bed. in just our undergarments and i'm fine with it. jack grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"let's talk about our first impressions of each other." he says out of the blue and i smile a little.

"you already know what i thought about you. arrogant bastard." i remind him and he smirks at me.

he presses my knuckles against his lips and i blush. he knows how to make a girl happy by just doing the simplest things.

"want to know what i thought about you?" he raises an eyebrow and i whistle through my teeth.

"i don't know, do i?"

"i thought you were hot with a banging body." he confesses truthfully and i throw an arm across my eyes.

"of course you did." i laugh.

"i'm not lying. all honesty here. first impressions are everything."

"that's probably why i got the job."

he told me before what his motive was. to hire me, get with me, and then fire me.

"it's ninety nine percent why you got the job, you were so rude to me too." he adds. "i kind of liked that. usually, girls are kiss asses to me."

"you were also rude to me." i say and he chuckles. "you scolded me every single day."

"i know, but now i've let my walls come down for you."

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