| Chapter 7 Part 2 |

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Amir in the m/m😍
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Good Starts, Bad Endings


Reece paced around back and forth in front of his mom. It had been an early morning on Saturday and he still hadn't figured out how he was going to pick Dido up for their date. "Mum please. I just need to borrow the car."

"Reece, you know I would, but you haven't started practicing on how to drive on the right side of the rode yet. Plus we just got this car. Not going to happen."

Reece grimaced in response. "You are seriously about to eff up my whole entire Saturday."

His mother, gave him a face, warning him for his use of language. He mumbled a small sorry.
"Why do you need it so bad anyway?" His mother asked.

Reece hadn't really took to time to explain to anyone in his household, besides Jameson of course, that he had met a girl. There was just no time and no point. Him and Dido weren't serious yet so he didn't deem it necessary.

"I just have somewhere to be. I'm hanging out with someone."

His mother squealed in response, knowing just what kind of someone it was. "Ooooh is it a girl? I can't wait to tell your father."

"Oh god Mum, please don't tell Pop." Reece responded exasperatedly.

"Is she buff? I bet she's buff. You've always had such good taste in young women. Though I could count a few times when---"

"Mum please! I just need to figure out a way to pick her up from her house."

Hearing his phone vibrate in his pocket, he had received a text message. Speaking of the devil. At some point during their time of hanging out, Dido and Reece had finally decided to exchange numbers.

Dido 💛
I can't wait for tonight. Already got my outfit ready.😌

Reece quickly responded back. Dido smiled at it in the comfort of her own bed at home.

Reece's Pieces 🍫
Me too😬

Reece smirked tucked his phone back in his pocket. His mother stared at him oddly. "What." He said, confused. She only smiled and shook her head. "So when can I meet this girl?"

Reece's mom stale faced him while he laughed a little. "I'm just kidding. If everything goes right, in due time you will. For right now, I just need the car."

"It's just too big of risk Reece. Go ask your Uncle Ji, I'm sure he can help you."

Multiple light bulbs went off in Reece's head. He hadn't even thought about his uncle. "Great idea mum."

Reece quickly slid on some of his Nike slides that hung around the front door and quickly ran out of it, slamming it shut. His uncle only lived three houses down so it took Reece about a minute to get there while jogging. He didn't even bother to knock on their front door, he grabbed the spare key under the mat and walked right in.

He slipped off his shoes, making sure to do a slight nod of the head before fully entering and shutting the door behind him. This was his uncle on his Dad's side, for some reason he was always much closer with the family on his Dad's side than his mother's. Reece's father had about three brothers, Uncle Jihad, Ji for short, being one of them. The rest of them lived in America, just in different states. They often came to visit as well.

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