I got to my locker which me and Mia shared and took the last of my books. Then I headed to the corridor to meet up with Mia. Me and Mia have been close ever since she moved here from England when she was 10. Me and her were different in every way possible. She was super pretty with her long dark brown hair, she had the coolest multi colored eyes, they were mostly green with a blue rim and spots of brown. She wasn't very tall most of the time people find it shocking that she is a sophomore. She has always been very outgoing and funny. She had everyone mostly the boys in love with her. Where I on the other hand had long blonde hair, with not very special dark grey/blue eyes. I was a little more taller than her. I have always been the shy book smart girl in school. I have never been the type to have people admire me especially by boys. Sometimes I wondered how me and her have become friends. But honestly I have never been more lucky to find a friend like her. I found her by the schools trophy case talking to brad Moore. Aka. The hottest guy in the whole school. He was the star football player and of course he had that star dazed look in his eyes while looking at her. As usual Mia looked amazing. Her long brown hair was curled and pulled of to one side. She was wearing a white crop top with black printed leggings. To top it off she had a pair of the black classic vans on. I waved over at her to get her attention once she seen me she waved goodbye at brad and walked over to me. She smiled and said "do you think he has a thing for me?" I laughed at the question
"who wouldn't fall for you!" she looked at me for a couple of seconds and put on her best thinking face
"idiots." she replied. We both laughed and made our way to my car. On our way home we blasted our radio to one direction. We started singing along to our favorite songs by them. About 3 songs in we actually started dancing. Normally I don't partake in the dancing but hey it was the beginning of summer. I was really getting into to dancing when Mia screamed "Cayley, watch out!" I looked ahead and seen I was driving on the wrong side of the road and an on coming truck was coming. I quickly swerved to the other side with a few seconds to spare. I didn't even have time to breathe before Mia started laughing historically I looked over at her "Are you fucking crazy! We could have died and your laughing?"
"you should have seen the look on your face! I swear we could have put that In a movie and people couldn't have even told the difference!" I started to laugh along.
"god we should have gotten this on video we could have been YouTube sensations!"
Once we got home me and Mia headed to the kitchen. We were both ravenous because of the fact that we always skip lunch because our schools cooks suck. I seen my older brother Tyler sitting at the table eating his lunch. When we were younger me and him were inseparable people always thought we were twins. But he moved out 2 years ago with his girl friend Taylor. And we grew apart we didn't even look alike anymore his naturally blonde hair had always gotten darker with age and it was now a light brown. His usually slim build was now more muscular from moving a lot of equipment off the stage. My brother got a job as a roadie for our local stadium. At first I was excited that I may get to meet a few famous people but no one good has come yet. My brother looked up from his pasta salad and gave me and Mia and big grin he sat back in his chair and put his arms behind his head. "So," he finally said "guess who will be at Mitchell stadium tomorrow as our surprise guest for summer bash?" I knew this had to be good. He wouldn't be like this if it hasn't.maybe it could be a big country star like Miranda lambert. I swear if it wasn't good I'd be pissed. Mia broke the silence as I was deep in thought "who,who?!" my brother put his head phones in his ears and replied " I may need these, the surprise guest are your precious one direction." I didn't know what to do besides scream and fan girl I grabbed Mia by the arms and jumped up and down. "are you serious? Omg are you gonna meet them? Can we meet them?" Tyler took out his headphones "well that didn't work, look guys I got you two great tickets but the meeting thing..... I worked my ass off for those tickets I don't want to push it for the back stage passes. I live my job and I want to keep it. Can you please be happy with the tickets?" I have him a great big beat hug and Mia followed along "of course thank you so much." I can't believe I am going to see one direction. what am I going to wear? Should I make a sign? Should I work on my dance moves? I don't know what to do but I do know this is a great way to start off the summer

Summer love (one direction fanfic)
Фанфикtwo best friends Cayley and Mia have absolutely nothing to do over the summer. But when cayleys brother gets a job as one directions roadie, all of that changes. Of course mia stole the hearts of all the boys (mostly niall) from her captivating look...