Have you ever felt like your life as you know it, is over? Just flew out the window, gone, there's no point to living, you've failed the earth, your family, your friends, everything is over. Like you should just curl up in a corner, sob and then die?
That's how Kendra felt.
The blank looks that all of the policemen had on their faces drove Kendra up the wall, they could at least crack a smile. She bit back tears, she was being arrested, what for though? She'd better ask before they got too carried away.
"Hey! What am I being arrested for anyways."
"Theft and vandalism." The lady at the desk said as she filled out a paper.
Kendra frowned. "What theft and what vandalism? I've never done either of those things in my life!"
"Theft of a vehicle and vandalism of private property."
The lady finished with her paper and slid it to the side.
"Come on." Said the officer, pushing her a bit.
Kendra walked forwards, sniffling slightly. She didn't do any of those things they said she did, but she was going to jail for the rest of her life.
The officer led her down a hall, they got closer to a cell, there was a very large man, you could hardly see his skin, he was covered in tattoos and had a large beard. Kendra whimpered at the idea of going in a cell with him, but she was led right past that one. She sighed with relief.
They stopped outside of a cell, at first Kendra thought was empty, but then she noticed a man laying on the bed. He was tall and thin, he had a shaved head and a clean shaven, thin face, his green eyes were sad, but intelligent, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line and his nose was long and thin. In fact, everything about him was thin.
The officer opened the door and lead Kendra in, then unlocked her cuffs and left her there. She looked around the dismal cell and sat down on the empty bed. She sniffed, then sniffed again and started to sob, quietly so as not to disturb the other prisoner. She heard the other bed creak and she looked up to see the man sitting up and looking at her.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice was smooth, with a slight hint of a foreign accent.
Kendra looked at him warily. "Yeah." She muttered quietly.
"What's your name?" He asked, watching her carefully, his eyes bright.
She sniffled. "Kendra, Kendra McIntyre. What's yours?"
"Eliot Knight." He said with a kind smile. "What are you in for?"
She shrugged. "I didn't do anything, they just showed up at my door and arrested me. They said it was for..." She bit her lip, trying to remember. "Theft of a vehicle and... vindicting of private property."
He raised an eyebrow. "That's not even a word." He thought for a minute. "Oh! Vandalism of private property?"
Kendra frowned. "Yeeeaaahhh." She said slowly and nodded.
Eliot nodded. "Ah, I see. And did you?"
"Did I what?"
"Vandalise private property and steal a vehicle?"
"No!" Kendra wailed, going back to sobbing. "I've never broken a law in my life!"
"Until now apparently." He commented.
She shot him an angry glance through tears.
He shrugged and laid back on his bed.
She sniffled and went to sit on his bed next to him.
He jumped up. "Oh dear, what?"
"Are you a hugger?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Um, not precisely."
"Okay... well, just so you know, I'm about to hug you."
"Please don't!" Eliot said, leaning as far back as possible, but hug him she did. She sobbed on his shoulder for half an hour. He tried to think about anything but the girl that was latched onto him. He thought about the precarious angle that the officers hats always sat at, he thought about how much he must need a shave, and almost used that as an excuse for her to get off of him, but then he remembered that he did that yesterday. So he sat there and let her blubber on him for a couple more minutes.
Eventually she sniffed and got up. "Sorry," She mumbled, going back to her bed, making him sigh in relief.
She stared at him for a bit.
"Yes?" He asked, more high-pitched then he meant for it to be.
"What are you here for?" She asked, curiously.
He turned and fixed her with a cool stare, this question seemed to have changed his behaviour.
"Come on," She coaxed. "You can tell me." She said, sitting up straighter.
He stretched his neck a bit and then gave her that steely look again, making her uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat and uttered one word. "Murder."
UmorismoKendra is a ditsy coffee addicted cinephile that hates her job, an assistant at a psychiatrists office. She lives in a small town where nobody cares about anybody but themselves. And when the police show up at her door to arrest her for something sh...