Part 1:The Worlds Collide!

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*Sonic's POV*

*1 hour from the present...*

"So, how do you want me to scramble your plans this time, Egghead?"

The fat man looked up from his work to notice that I made myself welcome in his lab. He looked at me only for him to become disappointed at my arrival. What else did he expect?

"Why is it so hard to take over the world for once without you getting in the way?" I overheard him mutter.

"Give it up, Egghead! I know you're up to one of your evil plans again!" I stated. He looked up at me to say, "You're right, but I'm not going to tell you what the plan is. After all, why spoil the surprise I have in store for you?"

"Give up the surprise part! I know you kidnapped Amy to lure me out here to fight one of your new creations!" "Now where is she?" I questioned. I didn't let my guard down and was looking for his robots which were nowhere to be seen, but I was also looking for Amy. Neither were in sight.

I suddenly felt a jab to the gut which knocked the wind out of me. Than, a hook to the cheek. I was searching around for my target, but it was nowhere to be found. I tried hitting it, but had no luck. It had to be invisible. So, I kept moving until I could figure out a plan.

"Hey Sonic! Take these!" I heard out of nowhere. It was Tails and he threw some strange looking goggles to me. "Thanks!" I grabbed them and put them on. Now, I could see what I was fighting!

"Metal? You running out of robots to try and kill me, Egghead?" My metal look-alike was throwing blows at me left and right only for me to dodge and come back at him with a spindash to the face. I knocked him back against the wall so Tails could deactivate him.

"Thanks again Tails, but how did you know about Metal Sonic and his cloak to develop those goggles for me to see him?"

"Oh, I was toying around with some infrared technology I found on Eggman's robots after our last battle and was reading some of the data off of the robots chips, which after I pieced all of it together, revealed information about a new cloaking tech that was being developed for Eggman's robots, so when you took off to save Amy, I flew on over here to get these to you as fast as possible."

"Curse you, Sonic! This plan was sure to take you down this time!" He yelled in frustration. He then appeared to be searching for something in particular, like as if he had one more trick up his sleeve.

"Looks like as if I'll have to pull out my last resort..." he muttered. Then, came out a remote.

"That's your last resort to kill me?" "Do you want me to die from laughter as you sit back and watch cartoons?" I joked. "I think there's more to that than what we're seeing..." Tails stated. He than proceeded to pull out the cage which Amy was being held in.

"Amy, are you okay?!" I asked. She appeared to be in pain and wouldn't speak. "What did you do to her?!" I furiously questioned.

"Oh, I merely knocked her out for the time being." He then activated a button on his remote which activated the machine he had been working on. The machine roared and shot out a portal to another world out of thin air at the wall behind Eggman.

Eggman than held up the cage like a trophy, for us to see. "If you care about your friend so much, go and save her!" It was than that he threw her cage through the portal to the other world towards whatever doom was in store for her. I wouldn't let that happen and I ducked in after her. "SONIC! WAIT UP!" Tails yelled as he flew through the portal after us.

It was only moments later that I was holding onto Amy's cage and Tails flew in to grab onto my foot.

Tails than landed us on the ground, only moments later to be blinded by a flash of light and come face to face with a blonde,spiky haired kid alongside him were a pink haired girl and a ravenette haired boy that wore special headbands on their foreheads...

Whatcha guys think? Again, leave your thoughts and vote when you can. Until than, bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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