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ashton // answers

ashton, why you such a hoe?
- i'm not a hoe... i don't think... i just love women i love how different each are how different they are compared to each other. but the best parts are getting to know them intimately and in their most vulnerable state, and seeing how differently each reacts to my touch.

ashton are you gonna make a move on ariel cause if you are back off. it's luriel now
-i mean truly, honestly you're still luriel as fuck right now?

do you really like ariel?
-yes i do a lot actually i haven't liked anyone since... never mind.

do you think she likes you back?
-not sure but i hope so

ariel // answers

ariel, how you feel about both ashton and luke?
-well i don't know anymore... it's complicated before i was sure about how i felt but now everything is different.

who do you think you're falling for?
-i thought i was falling for luke but now i don't know

do you think you and Luke can be the same again as best friends and not be awkward?
-i hope so

can you make some new friends because luke michael ashton are problematic
-i don't talk to many people at school and luke was my first friend an he has been with me and there for me through a lot i'm not just going to drop him like that

luke // answers

luke why won't you make a move on ariel. cause i'm luriel rn....
- i tried and i fucked it up

who was that chick you were kissing?
-this girl... valerie

why you a hoe son?
-i'm not

do you think you will ever get Ariel back?
-no i fucked up but i'll still try

michael // answers

was valerie jones the girl luke was kissing or?

-... probably once i took her out she literally flirted with everyone she saw. i understand there's a difference between just being nice and flirting so don't attack me.

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