Chapter 1

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My alarm woke me up. I sat up on my bed and looked at the clock 7:24. I quickly got up and changed into some black sweats, a loose plain grey shirt, and my beat up vans. I grabbed my fake nerd glasses and left.

Your probably wondering why I have fake nerd glasses and a bad choice of clothing. Well, you see I act as a nerd during school because it's too dangerous if people find me. I am a street fighter and i am a good one at that. During the day I'm Lesley the weak nerd and during the night I'm Crusher the ruthless fighter. I started this 'job' when I was 13 because I was walking through the streets and I found this underground fighting arena and it's obviously illegal.

I live by myself because my parents died when I was 14 in a car crash and I don't have any siblings. My manager is Mitch he is an old fighter so he manages my fights and I also train with him. I walked to school and once I got there I hurried inside and arrived at my locker but, was pushed against my locker. I winced because I hit my side and last nights fight, the guy hit my side pretty hard.

"Oh look who we have here the nerd or should I say whore," Daisy and her minions laughed. Daisy is my 'bully' and I swear a sloth can beat her in a fight." Listen to me when I talk to you bitch," she slapped me. I faked hurt and cowered away.

She laughed and walked away, her minions following her. I opened my locker and grabbed my things. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the schools bad boy, Austin, staring at me with curious eyes. I looked away and walked in class. I arrived in Pre-calculus and sat down in the very back. I plugged in my headphones and turned on my music. I don't need to pay attention because I already now this stuff.

When lunch finally rolled around I put my things in my locker and grabbed my lunch heading towards the roof. I sat down at a small bench and ate my lunch. I was staring at nature when the doors open and in walked Austin. I quickly grabbed my things and headed towards the door when an arm grabbed me and I looked up at Austin who quickly pinned me on the wall. I looked up at him shocked," Hey," he said," Um hi," I said and looked down. He chuckled and lifted my chin so I met his gaze. He was leaning in but, I kicked him where the sun don't shine. He groaned and released me bending his knees and holding his crotch. I ran to the door and ran to my locker. When I got there the bell rang and I grabbed my things for gym. Unfortunately I have this class with him so I had to stay as hidden as I could. When I got there I changed and headed towards the gym. I noticed that all the guys were out and a couple girls were pushing up there boobs and lifting up there booty shorts even more.

Gym just ended and the whole time Austin was either glaring or smirking at me. I grabbed my things from my locker and walked to the house. During my walk I got text from Mitch.

You got a fight and hurry it starts at 5:30 - Mitch

I looked at the time 4:46 shit and I started running home. When I got there I changed into a black sports, some training shorts, and my purple customized running shoes. I checked the time 4:56 I still have time to speed there. I grabbed my keys to my red Ducati and drove to the arena. When I got there I still had ten minutes until I was announced. I put on my hoodie and went inside. I put on my hoodie because I have to make sure no one knows how I look like so they can't track me down. I kept my head down and met up with Mitch.

"Ok so I found out that when this guy is about to attack he shifts his left leg and I also found out that his right arm is a weak one so I guess he's had an accident on that arm," he says. I nod and the guy on the speaker announces for the fighters to go up on the stage.

I look up from my hoodie and see that this guy has muscles but not too much so he looks like a freak and he has a smirk probably thinking he already won because he is about 6'2 and I'm 5'5.

The bell rings and he attacks. He tries to hit me with an uppercut but I block him and hit him in the gut. He stubble a over holding his stomach. I wait for him to get back to normal and punch him in the face. I get a blow on my stomach but, I quickly kick the back of his knee dropping him to his knees and kick the side of his head making him go unconscious.

I grab my money from the announcer and head off to where Mitch is." Good fight," he says," Not much of a fight," I say. He chuckles and gives me a quick hug. I head out to my motorcycle grabbing the helmet and driving off to my house.

I arrive and shut off my motorcycle in the garage and go inside. I look in the mirror of my room and see my bruise on my stomach is turning a black and blue color. I sighed and turned on the shower making sure it was warm. I stripped of my clothes and entered the shower. I washed my hair and body and stepped out wrapping myself in a towel and changing into a tank top and soft shorts. Climbing into bed I instantly fall asleep dreaming of a better life.

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