Chapter 12

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"Do you think they would get mad mommy?" I heard a small voice say.

I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.

"Probably, but it's going to be funny," I heard a feminine voice say. I groaned and was about to stand up when I felt cold water hit me like a tsunami. I got out of bed and saw that Melissa and James were both holding a bucket which I'm guessing was full of water which is now on me and Austin.

"What the hell?" I screamed just as Austin said the same thing.

Melissa grabbed James and ran for the door. I ran after them and when I finally caught them we were in the living room and there were two police officers and Ryder sitting on the couches. Ryder raised his eyebrows as did the police officers.

"What's going on?" Ryder asked. I cleared my throat and spoke up,"Well these rascals,"I nodded my head at James and Melissa,"threw water at me and Austin so I chased after them," I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal. "Well these officers came to talk to you about the whole thing," Ryder said and pointed at the officers.

"Well I'm going to go change I'll be right back," I ran to my room and took a short shower. After my shower I changed into a black t-shirt, with black ripped skinny jeans, and black vans. I put on a leather jacket over my t-shirt and walked to the living room.

Once I got there I sat down next to Austin on the floor. I noticed that he took a shower and changed into a pair black jeans, a black t-shirt, black converse, and he also had a leather jacket. Ryder looked over at us and cracked up laughing.

"Oh my gosh you guys are matching," he said in between laughter. I glared at him and he stopped laughing after a couple seconds. He looked over at the cops and the one with who had jet black hair and piercing blue eyes started the questions.

After we finished the questions they left and I got up from off the floor and went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. I chugged it down in seconds and sighed. I looked in the fridge then remembered. I went to my room and grabbed money from my box and put it in my wallet.

"Guys I have to go shopping for food I'll be back later," I yelled out. I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I headed to the nearest grocery store. I parked my car in an empty spot. I got out of my car and walked inside. I grabbed a cart and went to the fruits. I grabbed two packs of strawberries, bananas, apples, oranges, melons, a pineapple, peaches, and kiwi.

Then, I went to bread section and grabbed two loafs of bread. Then, I went to snacks and grabbed a box of popcorn, Nutella, peanut butter, two bags of Doritos, a bag of Lays, and chocolate chip cookies.

Then, I went to actual food section not that the others weren't food. I grabbed two boxes of pasta, cans of sauce, a box of Mac n Cheese, cans of soup, milk, cereal, orange juice, flour, pancake and cake mix, and frozen pizzas.

I headed towards the check out and checked out. I headed towards my car and put everything in the car. I got in the drivers side and drove home. Once I got there I parked in the garage and walked in the kitchen with bags of food. I set the food down and went back for the rest of it when I saw that Austin was holding the rest of the food. He set it down and gave me a smile.

"Need any help?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and we put the food away. Once we finished we went to the living room.

"When are you going home?" I asked him. He looked over at me and smiled,"You trying to get rid of me?" He accused amused. "No it's just you've been here since yesterday," I said. "Well, I'm going home later," I nodded my head and suddenly he looked over at me nervously.

"Lesley I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" He suddenly said. Did he seriously ask me on a a date? Am I hearing him wrong? Nope I heard him clearly. Wow this is first.

"Yeah, when?"

"Tomorrow be ready at 7 I'll pick you up," he said. He got up gave me a kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear,"I have to go bye," he kissed me again and I muttered him a goodbye. He left and I stood there dumbfounded. What just happened? I sighed and went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water.

"Hey sis what's up," Ryder asked as he came in. "Nothing just Austin asked me on a date," I said. He turned to me slowly and said seriously,"I swear if he hurts you I'll beat him to a pulp,","Not if I beat you to it," I joked. He gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair. I playfully glared at him and put my hair into a bun. "So when are you going to enter school?" I asked him.

"Well I think in your school so I can finish my senior year," he says. "When are we going back to school?" I ask,"They called and said in a month," I nod my head and looked at the time,8:43. I sighed and yawned,"I'm going to sleep goodnight," I say.


I walk to my room and into my closet and grabbed a blue tank top with black sweats and headed to the bathroom. Once I got there I turned on the water, stripped of my clothes, and got in.

One I finished my shower I went back to my room and brushed my hair. After that I crawled into bed and fell asleep immediately.

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