Chapter 6

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I feel a vibration from my right but I ignore it and fall back to sleep. Not a minute later I hear the same thing. I groan and get up. I look to my right to see my phone vibrating. I groggily get it and I turn it on. The light blinding me, my eyes get used to the light, I look at the time 9:47 and I see that I have a message from Mitch.

Hey you have a fight today at 9:00 come in the gym early I'll be waiting. - Mitch

I get up from bed and change into a blue sports bra and some shorts. There's a knock at my door and my eyebrows come together in confusion. I walk to the door and look through the peep hole to find Austin standing there with his hands in his pockets. I run to my room and put on some grey sweats and a black sweater I also put on my running shoes. I run to the door and open it. "Hey," he says,"Hey," I say,"I was wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast?" He asks,"Actually I have to go somewhere ," I say. He nods,"Okay, well maybe another time," he goes to his car and drives off. I close the door and run back to my room. I grab my keys to my motorcycle and my duffle bag. I put clothes into it with my wraps and make my way to my motorcycle in the garage. I drive off to the gym Mitch owns. After Mitch retired he bought his own gym and he trains people who want get fit or the people who want box. He taught me how to box but he saw potential in me so he put me in streetfighting.

I arrive at the gym and head towards Mitch's office. I arrive and see him on his computer typing away. As soon as I enter he starts talking,"Start doing the regular then go to the punching bag," without looking up. I head out and go to the treadmill and start running. After an hour of running I head to the exercise bike and start pedaling. After an hour my calfs are killing me but I get a mat and put it on the floor and start on my push-ups and sit-ups. After that I head to the punching bag. I put on the wraps and start punching the bag.

After hours of punching the bag I look at my phone and check the time, 3:56, I head to the changing room and shower. I change into my spare clothes which consist of black skinny jeans, a light blue t-shirt, and my black vans. I go out and head to Mitch's office. I get there and tell him,"I'm going out for lunch want anything?","No I'm good jut be there by 8:00,","Okay," with that I left and head to a small diner towards the other side of town.

I got there and I turned off my bike and I walked in. "Is it just you?" The lady at the front asked. I nodded my head and she walked me to a booth with a window. I sat down and she asked,"What kind of drink do you want?","I'll take a water," she nodded and left to get my drink. I didn't bother looking at the menu, I already know what I'm getting. While I was looking out the window I heard someone sitting down in front of me. I looked over and saw the guy that I fought with last time. He didn't say anything he just handed me an envelope and left. I sighed and put it in my pocket and looked back out the window. I heard someone sitting in front of me again and said,"Look just leave me al-" I looked over thinking it was that guy again but I saw Austin stirring there confused. I stopped talking and just sat there. "Well, that wasn't met for you sorry," I said after a couple minutes. He nodded and was about to say something when the lady came back and gave me my water. "Do you want to order?" I nodded,"Yeah I want a bacon cheeseburger with curly fries. Do you want anything?" I asked Austin. "Sure I'll take curly fries and a Dr.Pepper," he said. She nodded and left. I turned to Austin,"So what brings you here?" He asks,"I was hungry you?" I ask,"Same," I nodded. The waitress came back and gave us our food along with Austin's drink.

After we ate we went to the park walking and just talking. I looked down at my phone to check the time, 8:11, fuck I'm late. "I have to go I'll see you Monday bye," I ran to the diner and to my bike and rode off to the arena. I got there and ran towards the arena already seeing a crowd chanting off for the fighters. I walked into the changing rooms and put my hood up making sure it was good. I walked over to Mitch and he was on his phone,"Mitch sorry I'm late I lost track of time," I said. He nodded,"As long as your here," he said,"Your fighter today is known as the best so this one might be hard. He has a weak spot on the left arm and every time he is going to kick he puts his hands towards his stomach," he added. I nodded and looked at my opponent. He had a normal looking body for a body builder. To be honest he was hot. The bell rang and he announced my opponent and announced my name. As soon as I got in voices around kept chanting,"Crusher! Crusher! Crusher!" I smirked as my opponent looked at the crowd in fury.

The bell rang and he attacked with an uppercut but I blocked him and kicked him in the ribs. He stumbled back barely and I saw his hands start to lower and he kicked. I saw it coming so I grabbed his leg, twisted it and pushed him forward causing him to fall down. He got back up and punched me on the cheek. I felt my lip cut and touched my lip with finger and saw that I had blood. I quickly did a right hook and watched him stumble back more than last but he still managed to stay up. He tried to kick my again but I ducked and kicked my feet under him causing him to loose his balance and fall. I got on top of him and hit him with punches while he tried to block them with his hands. I kept hitting him until he flipped us over and he punched me in my ribs. I tried to block them until I finally came up with something. I wrapped my leg with his and flipped us so I was back on top of him. I punched him in his face and his stomach. I felt him go limp and I watched as his hands went to his side. I got up off him and collected my money. I said my goodbye to Mitch and drive home on my motorcycle. I arrived home and went inside. I put my bag in the kitchen and drank a glass of water. I then remembered something and grabbed the envelope from earlier i opened it and saw that there was a note in it and it read.

You have 4 days left- S

Really? I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I walked to my room and went to the bathroom and I checked my condition. I have a cut lip and a bruised face. I lifted my shirt and saw that I have a huge bruise on my stomach. I left my bathroom and headed to m closet. I grabbed my usual pajamas and took a shower. I changed into the clothes and climbed into bed. I almost instantly fell asleep.

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