Stronger than Us?

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"Hehe", Feba Bo grinned.

They started levitating uncontrollably fast, Yaya tried to pull them back to the ground with her powers but can't. Boboiboy turned to Ice form and shot a ice geyser at them.

"Slow down time!", the short alien girl shouted.

Boboiboy and his friends were floating around the air, moving around in extremely slow speed.

"Let's teach them a lesson", she continued.

The tall alien girl controlled the ice geyser to surround Boboiboy and his friends and the fat alien boy turned it into a hard stone prison. The time went back to normal speed and the prison fell down on the ground hardly.

"These kids are sooo easy to be defeated", said the tall alien girl.

Boboiboy and his friends were laying on the prison's ground because of the sudden drop.

"We...we have to get out from here", said Fang.

They looked around but there was no holes or anywhere for them to get out.

"Flurry of fists!", Yaya punched the prison so hard that a energy wave and sound can be felt from the outside, but the there was not even a scratch on the walls she punched.

"What do we do? The wall is so hard!", Ying exclaimed.

"I will destroy you all...", Feba Bo said as he walked closer to the prison with his hands surrounded by his shadow powers.

"Oh no! We're doomed!", Gopal shouted worriedly.

When Feba Bo was about to destroy them, he heard a voice coming from his side.

"I won't let you destroy them", said Ron.

"You again? What can you even do to save them all?", he used his shadow powers to carry the prison higher and dropped it down.

Boboiboy and his friends screamed and panicked as they were about to get hit on the ground, but they suddenly stopped.

"Eh, what happened?", Gopal asked in confusion.

"Look!", Yaya shouted.

The gang looked in front of them and saw a metal wave-shaped pillar stopping them from falling.

"Wah!", they exclaimed.

"Yishhh, how dare you....!", Feba Bo said angrily.

"Heh, of course I dare", Ron smiled.

The metal pillar slowly sunk in the ground so that the prison would land safely.

"Hiyahhh!", Ron shouted as he used his metal powers to form a gigantic knife and swung it down at the prison.

The prison broke open and the gang hurried up and got out from there.

"We must get out from here!", Ron commanded.

"But how?", asked Gopal.

"Just do what I say"

Ron gathered his powers together and form a ship, just enough to fit everybody.

"Hurry up and hop in!", he commanded Ochobot and Tok Aba.

Both of them got in and sat it a empty seat inside.

"Yaya, use your powers to move the ship", he added.

"Alright, gravity power!", her powers made the spaceship levitate slowly above ground.

"You want to run? Shadow..", Feba Bo was cut off by Boboiboy.

"Heh, don't you even think about it", he said.

"Maximum blazing power!", he was in Blaze form and his powers boosted the ship so strong that it was able to take flight.

Boboiboy Heroes: A Perfect Match (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now