A New Threat

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They went through the portal, back to Tok Aba's home and saw the place as well as the other houses, destroyed into pieces.

"W...what has happened here?", Boboiboy said worriedly.

"Issssh, this must be the new alien's fault", said Fang.

"But, what about Tok Aba, and Ochobot, and-"

Boboiboy words were cut off when he suddenly heard a familiar voice which was calling him from behind. He turned around and saw Tok Aba and Ochobot along with another taller guy.

"Tok Aba! Ochobot!", he ran towards them to hug them.

He got a closer looks of the stranger and it seems to be a guy who wore a sharp-bending spikes decorated jacket with clear pants and spiked patterned shoes. His front hair was combed sideways and he also wore shining silver earings.

Boboiboy stopped hugging them, "Err atok, who's this guy?".

"Ha, this is the guy whom saved me just now"

"Saved you? You mean from the explosion?"

"No lah, the explosion was made by him so that he can come in and temporary take me somewhere away so that the alien couldn't capture us"

The guy coughed, "It's, aliens".

"Hah, you mean there's more?!", Gopal said shocked.

"What's your name mister?", Boboiboy asked curiously.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Ron, I'm aged 20 and I come from planet Ata Ta Tiga", said the guy.

"Oooh, eh, does that means you recognise Ejo Jo, Adu Du and Probe?"

"Obviously", he said with a smile.

"Then do you know the aliens that were destroying this place?", asked Yaya.

"Um errr yeah, sort of", he said suspiciously.

"Look! A giant spaceship!", Ying shouted pointing at a gigantic spaceship near Tok Aba's Kokotiam.

"That must be the new aliens' ship", said Yaya

"Let's go, I need to see their true faces and what do they want", said Boboiboy.

"Let's go!", the others agreed and ran to the location of the ship.

"This is getting tricky...but I must not let him know yet about that", Ron thought to himself.

They arrived near the spaceship and saw everything thrown around, cocoa packets and garbage were scattered on the ground and the shop was destroyed into pieces.

"Yiiiish, how dare they destroy my favorite kokotiam! They all really want to get it!", Gopal said angrily.

"I think you're the one who wants to get it", said a manly voice coming from the spaceship.

"Hah?!", everyone looked at the spaceship shocked.

The bottom of the spaceship opened up revealing a entrance (or exit) that people can walk through, there stands four aliens and one by one they jumped down to the ground.

"What do you want and why are you here?", Boboiboy shouted at them.

The alien with the manly voice cackled, "So this the wimp you were growing up with? No wonder lah you're the same like him".

"Ish, enough of this already Feba Bo, just leave Earth alone, you can find another planet", Ron said stepping in front of the gang.

"Eh, you recognise him?", asked Ying.

"Uhhh yeah, old schoolmates", Ron replied.

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