I feel it...
I feel the pain every brokenhearted girl feels
The pain every bullied kid feels...
I feel the coldness...
The feeling that you get from crying,
The way your heart feels cold when you breathe in.
I know a girl...
Who's tall, smart and beautiful.
Who falls in love easily, who never let's go.
She feels that pain...that nobody should...
She cries herself to sleep...
She cries tell she can't breathe and can't feel the tears that are streaming down her face... and why?
All cause a bully!
All cause a foolish love!
She imagines herself running...
Running far...As far away as her legs can take her...
And she's happy and alone...
But happiness never lasts forever...
She wakes up in her room...
With blood stained wrists...
This is her happy....
The pain... she cuts cause she has control over the pain.
She gets to school with a smile on her face,
but her friends don't know it hides the pain.
Her friends laugh and tell her jokes, but she just enters her mind and disappears...
The way she wants to... she wants to vanish.
To see if people really care.
She usually takes the bus, but today she feels like walking hoping to be alone.
But she's there...
The girl who's been bullying her sense 7th grade started...All Over a boy!
A stupid, foolish boy!
Her friends point and laugh, and call her names...
They follow her half way home making fun of her, the way she walks, the way she talks the way she dresses, and the acne on her face...
And she's just a little different so they taunt her and they beat her...
To them it's all just fun and games...
And I know this girl well...
What she thinks...
what she feels...
I know her because...
She is me...
Thoughts of the damned
Poesia" My love for him is like a lit candle, and as the flames used to grow bigger and stronger, it's now slowly fading. The more he ignores me it fades. The more I think about what he's told me, it fades. You see what hurts me the most, is that he told...