Chapter 12

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Enjoy the picture XD its so funny

Jen's Pov

I was happy to see my family, I miss them, but tonight was parents night, my parents said they would visit when they made their minds up on whether or not to visit, "hey Jen, what's up?" The gang came over whal I drew my family, "what chya drawing?" Jenna asked looking at my paper "cool creepypasta! Who's that little girl in the middle of Quick Cut and Jeff? She looks like you!" Jenna pointed out, Mark and Jack stepped in, "you don't have to tell 'em" Jack said, my eyes were full of tears, I ran out of the room, but went outside to the slides close to the forest.

Mark's Pov

I saw Jen start to cry and run off, "what?" Jenna asked, I sighed "she misses her family" Jack said, "that's to bad, what can we do to help?" Lilly asked, Jack and I shrugged and went to find her.

Felix's Pov

I watched as Jrn pushed past me and the others, Mark and Jack explained what happened, then they went to go find her, without us "there's something their not telling us" I said, "ya, I mean it's not like her family is creepypasta chats, even thought she looks like Jeff the Killer with the raven black hair and the black rings around her eyes" Jenna said stupidly, "really Jenna?" Ken asked "oh! I understand now!" She said, "come on guys, lets go help" I said, but Zoella went to tell the teacher, and the teacher went to go find her but we couldn't go.

Jack's Pov

We looked outside for Jen, until we heard sniffling and talking, "you know what that means?" Mark asked, "yeah, one of 'em is talking to her" I said, we headed twords the sound and saw Toby and Jen "hey Toby" I said, he looked up and smiled, "h-hey *twitch* guys, what happened?" Toby asked "talking about how much she misses you guys and a picture of all you guys" I said, "well Slits and Jeff made up their minds, their coming!" Toby announced, "r-really?" Jen asked wiping away her tears, "of course" Toby said, we smiled and looked at Jen "but, not for long, but hey t-their *twitch* still visiting" Toby added, Jen clung to him, "Toby you look most like a human, why don't you go inside?" Mark asked, "twitches" Toby said, "so, that's a disease we learn about that your born with!" Mark said, "fine, come on Blades" Toby said picking her up and carrying her, "lets go boys" Toby said, and we followed him like it was a game of follow the leader.

Inside da building

We walked through the door to the daycare, and everyone stared at Toby, "what?" He said, he put Jen down and was about to walk out when Jen grabbed his hand, "don't leave yet!" She said pulling him, "aw, come on now Jen, your okay" he said bending down to hug her, "tell mom and dad I love them" she said, Toby nodded but Jen still didn't let him go "and your my favorite" she said "besides mom and dad" she added, the teacher walked in the room and saw Toby, "um, who are you?" She said, "oh, I'm Toby, Jen's uncle" Toby said, "alright" the teacher said and walked to her desk, "I'll also warn your parents about moss cranky pants" Toby teased, we chuckled along with him, "I have to go now Jen, I love you, you know that, I'll see you later, bye" he said giving her one last hug, and patting me and Mark on the head, "bye guys" he said walking out of the room.

"Woh, your uncle is so cool" Cry said walking over, "I know, you should meet all of her family, their awesome!" I said, "how so?" Felix asked, "in ways!" Mark backed me up, "up mad bro?" Felix asked, "whatever" Jen said pushing us away and going back to drawing, she was still crying but we understood, "she sounds like her dad" I said, "she gets to see her parents tonight at the parents night thing" Mark said, "do you think that we could meet them?" Matthias asked, we shrugged, "we never knew that Jen barely ever saw her family" Tyler said, "yeah, she lives with her step grandma, she got to see her family on the weekend and we got to meet them, and her parents made everyone in the house aunts and uncles, and she has two dogs and their super cool" Mark said, "cool, but, I don't understand why we found out about this only now" Miranda said, "well, we just found out like on Saturday" Mark said, I nodded, we all walked over to Jen who was still drawing, "so Jen, whats up?" Mandy asked, "the sky" Jen replied, Mandy stood there whal we all laughed at her, "where'd ya learn that?" Mandy asked, "family, they always did that, it's a thing that you learn" Jen said.

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