Chapter Ten

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"What should we name him?" Caris asked as she stared at the baby boy in the incubator. Kaden's mom had told us to fill out his birth information on the computer and then the birth certificate would be printed.

It was just me, Caris, and Helena's boy. The genetics showed that he looked 98% like Helena.

"Definitely not Kyle," I said, shaking my head.

"What about his middle name being Kyle?" Caris asked. "Kyle is the father after all."

"You've got to be kidding me. Having a baby get named after you is like an achievement. It means you're all great and awesome and you're a cool person. Kyle does not get a prize for stealing my girl," I said harshly.

She laughed. "That's the best thing I've heard all year. 'Kyle does not get a prize for stealing my girl'."

I stared at the baby boy and thought long and hard. "Helena did like the High School Musical movies," I said.

"Those movies are like thirty years old," Caris retorted, rolling her eyes. "And isn't Zac Efron like fifty?"

"Well Helena said she wanted to name her first son Troy," I shrugged.

"That was a joke," she said. "Because she found Troy Bolton extremely hot."

"Well his name should be Troy," I said, leaning my head against the incubator.

"What will Kyle think if he ever runs into this mini-me of Helena?" I turned back towards Caris. "He looks exactly like her."

"Kyle didn't know that Helena was pregnant," she said.

I almost choked on my own saliva.

"How?" I stammered out.

"You, me and Kaden's mom are the only ones who know," Caris said.

I didn't say anything. Helena didn't tell Kyle? For some odd reason, that made me smug. I knew about his son while he was still thinking that he was innocent and sneaky for not getting caught with my girlfriend.

Before Caris could stop me, I slid over to the computer and typed in "Troy Leavre". We had agreed to give him Helena's last name since he was her son, she wasn't married to Kyle, and I wasn't the father.

"Andy!" She shouted in frustration, shoving me off of the computer chair. "Who do you think you are? I'm naming him!"

I smirked and pushed the print button. We only had one shot and I had used it.

As soon as the birth certificate printed, Caris grabbed it and shoved it in my face. "You idiot! You didn't even give him a middle name! Ugh this is why I don't do criminal things with boys. They're stupid!" She screamed.

"Well aren't you just Little-Miss-I-Hate-Men," I muttered. Caris shot me a glare and walked out of the room.

"Shut the door and lock up when you're done drooling over the baby who you cursed with a stupid name!" She shouted as she walked out of sight.

I looked over at Troy and laughed. Helena would've laughed if she were alive too. I named her son after a fictional character in an old movie.

Troy Leavre.

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