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"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses to join Ellis Tucker Calles and LeahAnn Cera Reyd in matrimony commended to be honorable among all. And therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly, and solemnly. Into this, these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace," the preacher said.

We were in Westminster Abbey, at Ellis' wedding.

Just kidding, people who aren't royal can't get married there. We were really in the same place mom and dad had gotten married at in Los Angeles.

Caris looked at me with a wicked grin.

"I swear, if you stand up-" I began.

"Why would I ruin your brother's wedding?" She whispered. "And how would I stand up with this buffoon of a child yanking on my hair?"

I looked at three year old Troy and smiled. He smiled back. The one thing Caris and I could agree on was that he was quiet in public when he needed to be. On the other hand, he was a screaming banshee most nights, always crying that the "marshmallow monster" was going to get him.

Caris started tapping her knee and bouncing Troy. I tried to get her to stop, but the crazy woman wouldn't. I heard the words "you may now kiss the bride" and I immediately stopped fighting with Caris.

When I turned to look at Ellis and his soon to be wife, Caris put her hands over my eyes. "You're too young to see," She declared.

I angrily ripped her hands off of my face and she laughed.

"Daddy's old," Troy commented randomly.

Even though Caris and I were legally his parents, it still irked me that my ex-girlfriend's son called me that.

Cecelia was sitting next to me and she looked over at Caris and I. "I'm surprised that Ellis beat you to getting married," She whispered.

"I'm surprised I haven't murdered you yet," I retorted.

Dad was sitting behind us and he leaned forward in his seat. "I'm surprised I haven't kicked you three out of your brother's wedding," He said.

"Don't you mean you four?" Caris asked. "You're forgetting Troy."

"Well Troy doesn't cause disruptions at weddings, now does he?" Dad asked with an irritated look on his face. "Now be quiet, they're walking down the aisle."

Ellis passed us and he winked at me. "Don't forget about ye olde brother when you go back to work tomorrow at that car business of yours," He said.

"How could I? Your sassy remarks are always echoing in my head," I replied.

"That's a little thing I like to call the 'Ellis Effect'. I am always there, but not physically there," He said with a smirk.

"Now that's just creepy," I muttered and then he asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Keep walking down the aisle pretty boy."

"Not until you pick one," the mischievous nineteen year old said.

"Keep walking down the aisle so that this wedding can continue, or I'll bust your head open," I threatened.

"Big words for a little man."

After I realized that my brother was indeed going to hold his entire wedding up until I answered him, I leaned closer to him and asked, "What's your best dare?"

"Steal mom's wedding ring and don't give it back until dad kisses her," Ellis said with a smile. Mom. Just a memory now.

"Didn't we do this like three years ago?" I asked, suddenly wishing that we could go back to that night when I stole my mom's wedding ring. Back when mom was still alive, I wasn't raising my dead ex-girlfriend's kid and running a car business.

"We can never forget the past," Ellis said. "For if we do, we might forget that it's what brought us here to this very moment in our lives that wouldn't even be possible without the years we've left behind. The past is what shapes us, Andy. You'd do well to remember that."

"Since when did you become Shakespeare?"

"I am the reincarnation of him, didn't you know this?"

"I thought you were the reincarnation of Beyoncé."

"She's not dead you moron."

"She will be when I'm finished with you."

"You've already almost been in jail once, I don't think you'd want to drop in again as an alumni."

When I didn't respond, he continued walking down the aisle with an impatient LeahAnn. Then he turned around.

"Andy?" He said.


"I know Caris wanted to tell you herself, but..."

"Spit it out, Ellis."

"She's pregnant with your child."

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