A Crazy Snake Lady

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                                                                        Chapter One       


We ran for our lives.

Well, maybe I should start from the beginning (sort of). I'm a demigod (or half-blood if you perfer, which I don't) and I live on my own with the exception of my best friend (and daughter of Ares) Korra. My name's Harper by the way.

Today had been one of the few days  when we didn't have monsters trying to kill us; but we both knew that wouldn't last long. Anyway, back to running for our lives.

We were running down a deserted road in Long Island, New York. The stupid monster chasing us was an Echidna. It was half woman half snake, known as the "Mother of All Monsters" because many more "famous" monsters were mothered by her. All of a sudden a heavy force hit my back and I flew several feet forward. I landed on the hard gravel with a grunt, as I looked back the monsters tail twitched and it slithered toward me.  I jumped to my feet just as Korra's righthand glove turned into a celestial bronze sledge hammer, she wacked of a chunk of the Echidna's tail off  "Take that you crazy beast!!!" She yelled, "Nobody hurts my best friend and gets away with it!". She (the monster) turned with a hiss of frustration "This will be the end of you little girl" It hissed "Nobody hurts me and gets away with it!".

She charged at Korra and I watched in horror as they fought hand-to-snake tail combat. I was sort of helpless (somthing I absolutely hated), they fought so closely that if I intruded I could accidentally hurt Korra; but if I did nothing the Echidna might kill her. So all I could do was stand there in my fighting stance waiting for an opening in their battle. My eyes scanned over our surrondings, we were at the base of a hill and at the top of it was, wait, is that a dragon? I shurgged, together Korra and I had seen much, much stranger things. Then my eyes landed on Korra, I scanned over her  checking for vital injuries: she had small scratches all over her arms and legs. But the worst part was the long cut from her collar bone down to her right side. It wasn't a deep cut but it still must have hurt like hell.

"You're done for!" the monster yelled her forked tongue flicked back and forth. Anger rushed trough me and I charged. I grabbed her around the neck with my celestial bronze sword, I pointed the other of my twin swords (this one stygian iron) at the monster's back. She hissed, that sound was really starting to annoy me, "Get off me you fool!" Her head whipped around and she sunk her teeth into  the skin on my shoulder just as my sword ramed threw her head, she disintegrated into dust and I fell in a broken heap on the pavement, the wound in my shoulder burned as pain spread through my vines, curling around my strength and choking it. The last thing I remember seeing is a boy next to me.


Hey guys!! This is our first fanfic and we hope you like it!! Any adivce on the story would be great!!

Love always,


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