Chapter One: Eyes in the Forest

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For a 15-year-old girl running through the woods, this was not a good idea. Suddenly I heard twigs crackling , I could smell them. They smelled of dirt and grime, and nothing pleasant. They finally caught up to me, nipping at my heels. Missing me every time. But finally, the wolf on my right finally managed to clamp it's jaws around my ankle. I tumbled to the ground painfully.

"What do we have here?" Said Trey. Of course he is naked because he just shifted out of his wolf form. Gross, but I keep my eyes up as he puts on his pants. "Running off again are we, you know you never get very far."

"Of course I know that. You never let me forget it. Why don't you just go tell Jack that I'm not his pet, nor his mate." I said as I stand my ground. "So just leave me alone!" I spat.

Trey and the other guy Camden are werewolves both are 19 years old and can shift. Unfortunately for me, I'm only 15 years old, so that means I can't shift into my wolf form yet. But when I turned 16, then I will finally shift for the first time. I hear that it is extremely painful. But I think I can manage it.

"Jack won't be happy to hear that you've run off again. Plus I don't think he'll mind hurting you when we tell him that once again you try to sneak off and leave the pack." Camden says standing behind me which makes me twist around and face him.

"I am not, and will never be, part of that stupid rogue pack you side with." I scream at the boys. "Just let me go and I will never bother you again. You or Jack" I say almost pleading. Almost.

"You know that is not gonna happen, Jack would never allow his mate to leave him alone to run the pack." Camden says again.

"I already told you, I am not his mate!" I find myself screaming at him, he just doesn't understand. Jack is filling their heads with stupid lies. Saying I am the Luna of the biggest rouge pack. Jack practically chains me up in his basement, telling me that it's for the best. Until I accept my position as Luna. I can still feel the chains around my ankles and my wrists.

"But that's too bad, if you won't go quietly and will take you back by force, and you know you cannot out run us, so don't try." Trey says with a smug smile on his face that I wish I could slap off. Noted for future reference, I make a mental note in my mind. But his warning makes me want to prove him wrong, and me being stupid starts running in the other direction away from the boys.

I didn't get that far until Trey tackles me to the ground. Taking rope, that I guess he had in his back pocket, and tying it around my wrists. I guess he knew this was gonna happen, that I would try to run. They know me too well, and I have to get away. After finishing the knot around my wrists, he pulls the other end of the rope up over branch on the nearby tree and ties it tightly. So now the rope is restraining me to the tree. He steps back to admire his work. Camden is right behind him with a big smile on his face looking at me like I'm a poor helpless animal.

"Just let me go please, I don't want to be a part of the rogue pack. I don't want to be with Jack. If you let me, leave you will never see me again." I'm pleading again tears coming from my eyes.

"Not going to happen sweetheart, we serve Jack. And Jack wants you back. In fact, he's on his way here right now." Now I'm scared, if Jack knows that I am trying to escape again and is coming for me. My days are numbered, I can tell.

I start to struggle against the rope around my wrists trying to pull myself off the ground, hoping thatI am putting more weight against the ropes so they will snap. But after I pull myself up once, Camden comes up in front of me grabbing my right ankle. He forces it down back to the ground. I land hard on it and cry out in pain.

Tears sting my eyes, Trey comes up and joins Camden in front of me. That's when I smell something. Something amazing hits my nose. I have never smelled anything like it, I just want to rip out of these ropes and go find that alluring smell. But Trey's large hand brings me from my thoughts, pulling my chin up towards the sky, making me look at him. Because his hands so close to my mouth, I take a swift chance of bite down on his hand hard. He wrenches out in pain. I guess I drew blood from his hand because it tastes terrible. After pulling his hand away, he takes his good hand and slap me across the face. Making the back of my head hit the tree behind me hard.

"You little... I want to see how Jack treats you after this. I can't wait to see the blood running down your body. Your hands tied and your white face looking up at him and telling him you are sorry." Trey says.

I am still stunned after the slap on the face. My head feels like it's ringing. But I can't let them know that. "Like hell you will. I will just keep trying to get away. And when I succeed, I will find you and I'll rip your head off." I say, trying to sound like I'm stronger than I am.

Camden does not have any time to react. Trey pulls out a small knife from his pocket, pulling up to my throat. The blade is cold, making me shiver. I want to scream, but one: the blade is practically cutting off my air supply and two: all around us there are woods. No one would hear me, and no one would come to help. That scares me the most.

"Jack never said that we had to bring you back conscious." And with that, he removes the knife from my throat. Pulling up to my right wrist. Making a small but deep cut. I scream out in pain, the scream was all the pain that I had felt up till this point. I look at the sky looking for comfort, but finding none. That's when I also feel another deep cut parallel to the first one but further down my arm. Camden finally went along with Trey's idea. And so he clamped his hand over my mouth, muffling my scream. Trey takes the knife and makes a third cut closer to my elbow. The pain is excruciating.

Once I calm down again I looked down at Trey. I can't hardly see through my eyes, but he looks pleased with the cuts on my arm. I can feel the blood rolling down my arm. The blood is warm. But I try and not think about it. Fortunately, Camden still keeps his hand on my mouth. His mistake.

I don't know why I did what I did. And I had no time to recall my thoughts of biting Camden's hand. He did the exact same thing Trey did. Except this time, he punched me in the gut. Making me almost double over, but since my hands were still tied up to the tree, I just leaned over.

The next thing I felt hurt worse than anything I've ever felt. Trey took the knife and went to my left arm, instead of going straight across my wrist. He started from the palm of my hand pulling the knife straight down to my elbow. I scream like I have never screamed before. The smell of my blood was strong now. But now, the only difference is that my blood is starting to get colder. Not Good! But as I stand there, I can't help but wonder what Jack will do to me if I survive this. What I will have to endure after this pain.

I guess both Camden and Trey see that I am starting to lose consciousness. So Trey takes his bloody knife and cut the rope. And I fall to the ground, my eyes still open but just barely. I look to the forest, trying not to look at the boys before I take my last breath. Which I believe is coming soon. My ears are not working properly. But I can hear laughing and speaking above me.

Then to my surprise, I finally spot amongst the trees some beautiful glowing blue eyes. Most the time, when you see a pair of eyes in the forest it means you were in danger. But these eyes are different, they hold sadness and pain and anger. They stare at me, and I stare back. But that is when my final breath come. Hitching in my throat. And I close my eyes, wanting death to come soon. A tear slipping out, hitting the ground.

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