Chapter Two: Mates

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"Not going to happen sweetheart, we serve Jack. And Jack wants you back. In fact, he's on his way here right now." I hear from a distance. Because I'm Alpha, my senses are heightened. I can sense three people. Two of which I can make out as rouges because of the smell they carry. But the third person I can tell is a girl. The girl that smells a vanilla and raspberries. My wolf howls with delight. "Mate! Mate!" He is yelling.

I must find her, and protect her. No one will ever harm my perfect mate. I can tell already that she is perfect. But it's not just the smells I sense, it's the heartbeats. The two people have relatively slow heartbeat which means they are able to shift into wolves. But my mate has a fast heartbeat, which means I cannot tell how old she is. Or how she's feeling which is probably not good.

I am running on my four paws. Practically sprinting, I cannot help but think about my new mate. The way her smell is intoxicating. But I push that to the back of my mind, knowing that I need to just go find her.

"Jack never said that we had to bring you back conscious." I hear again. Not even a minute goes by and I hear it! My mate making the worse sound imaginable. Breaking my heart in two and pushing me into an even faster sprint, I fly through the trees.

As I continue to gain ground, and get closer to the two rouges and my mate I can smell blood. Makes me run even faster, I have to know what is going on, what's happening to my mate! And they are on my territory, and so I must know what is happening. When I am nearly there, I shift back in to my human form, changing into the sweatpants I always keep tied to one of my leg.

I soon come to the clearing in which to male rogues have my mate tied to a tree.There are three cuts on her right arm, and she is losing a lot of blood. Her face is turning pale. Now I understand why her heartbeat was so fast, she was scared. My wolf was howling inside me, begging me to go help my precious mate. I had to restrain myself and watch from a distance. One of the rouge males has his hand on my mate's mouth. I can hardly contain my wolf now, he is breaking through my thoughts. No one! I mean No Body is allowed to touch my mate's lips except me! My mate pulls me from my thoughts and does something incredible. She bits down on the rouge's hand. That's my mate! I want to scream it to the world, if we were under better circumstances.

What the rogue does in response makes my eyes go their bright shade of blue. He punches my mate in her stomach. She doubles over but doesn't make a sound. The rouge that is holding the knife takes it to her other arm, makes a very long cut starting from her palm strait down to her elbow. She lets out another loud scream that makes me almost want to cry. "Help her!" My wolf pleads "She is dying!" She is begin to look more and more pale. She seems to be nodding off. Not Good! The rouge holding the knife cuts the rope restraining my beautiful mate against the tree. The two rouges begin to talk, unaware that I am here. The one holding the knife says, "Jack will be here soon, he just left the pack house. He kind of hopes she isn't awake when he gets here. Then he'll have an easier and quieter run home." They both laugh. This makes me angry.

"What is Jack going to do to her this time? I hope he doesn't tie her up in the basement like last time. She clearly hasn't learned her lesson. I hope it is something like chaining her up in the square naked, or something like making her..." My wolf goes from almost crying to taking complete control. I don't even hear the rest of their conversation. My wolf is out for blood because someone hurt our precious mate. And this time, I am not restraining him.

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