Chapter Three: Oh Goddess

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My wolf has settled down a little. I can feel him, he feels better now that our mate is safe and that the rogues are gone. One being dead, and the other ran off right away. I would have ran after him, to follow him, but I would have left my mate. And I can't think of doing that, let alone leave her.

Now, I just need help. "Aiden, I am in the Western forest, near the territory edge. Come help me, bring the pack doctor and a some trackers. There were some rogue I want them to follow, tell them to report to me their findings straight away."

"Yes Alpha, we will be there right away." Aiden says through the mind link.

My thoughts are rapidly on the move. One moment I am thinking like an Alpha, making sure that rogue is followed and found along with his pack. The next moment I am the one person I want to be for the rest of my life. My mate brings out the best in me, and she hasn't even met me yet. I wonder what she will think of me?

I have completely forgot about her. I ran over to her, she is beautiful to say the least. She has beautiful flowing chocolate brown hair, skin that is perfectly tan. She has a stunning body, athletic but not too toned. But her arms are cut, which takes my mind goes into my caring state. I am quick to take off my shirt and rip it into strips. Taking each stip and wrapping them around her cuts. Pulling them tight so that hopeful the bleeding stops. She slightly stiffens, which I would think is cute, aside from our situation.

Even though I am at the Western Edge of my territory, it takes my Beta and the other wolves only about ten minutes to get to my location. However I don't even realize that they have come until someone puts a hand on my shoulder. It's the doctor, thank the goddess.

"Doctor Evans, please help her!" I shouted by accident, cringing at my own Alpha voice. "Look Doctor, I am-"

"Look Alpha, I know what I am doing. We need to get her back to the hospital." Evan said "Wolves Jackson and-"

"No! I am carrying her back! No one is to touch her, ever!" Man I really need to control my temper. Everyone seemed to be really surprised, but thankfully didn't question me further. They just walk away. Good

When we get back, my mate is quickly rushed to the hospital. She had grown extremely pale, and her breathing is very shallow. The nurses try and remove me from my mate's room. They only walked away in shock.

By the time everyone was done working around my mate, she had an iv in her arm and fresh new wraps on her arms. Her wolf seems to be either very weak, or not in the picture because she isn't healing very fast. Definitely not healing from a wolf's supernatural power.

I have told my trackers to inform to my Beta Aiden about the rouge they followed. I will talk to them later about the rogue. When I get the time.

For the next week I have stayed by her side. Refusing to eat, sleep, or do my Alpha duties. Which is not good. Right now, all I am hoping for, wishing for, and praying for is for my mate to wake up. All I want right is her name. It's killing me, I can touch her, feel her, but not mentally be with her. Oh goddess, please. Bring her back

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