[ 8 ] : Not-So Not-Date

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"See ya at the game, Mads," my dad says, appearing in the doorway of my bedroom Friday morning. He's dressed in his blue polo, khaki trousers and sneakers with his Panthers cap on top of his head, covering up the mess of graying hair. He gives me a smile as my eyes meet his and I smile back though I want nothing more than to puke my guts out, knowing the game is just two hours hours away (as is my not-date with Tim). Despite my efforts, my dad picks up on my uneasiness and his brows furrow. "You okay?"

I look down and nod. "Yeah, just tired is all," I lie, meeting his gaze again.

My dad nods though he still looks unsure. "Okay, well get some rest. Coach wants you on the sidelines at the game."


"Will do," I reply with a nod. "See you at the game, dad."

My dad gives one last smile before disappearing down the stairs and that's when I finally release the breath I'd been holding and roll over on my bed so that I'm facing the ceiling. What am I going to do? Ever since brunch yesterday, I can't get the thought out of my head that Tim might actually like me and worse, that I might actually like him. The whole situation has got my stomach in knots. I mean, just yesterday I was complaining about how ignorant Tim is and now I'm contemplating on whether or not I do, in fact, have non-friend feelings for him. It's stressing me out and I can't think straight enough to figure it all out on my own.

I need to talk to Alec. He'll know what to do.

Without a second thought, I grab my phone and dial his number. The phone rings and rings. "Come on, Alec," I mutter, "pick up the damn phone."


Oh thank God.

"Alec? Thank goodness! I need to talk to you," I say, exasperation fairly evident in my voice.

"Maddie? I uh- now's not really a good time," Alec says, his voice low. In the background, I hear a door click and the springs of his creaky old mattress as he sits on his bed. My mood instantly changes from frantic to worried. I push my crazy, contemplative thoughts aside and clear my head enough to focus on Alec, who sounds very much upset.

"Alec, are you okay? Did something happen?" I ask, sitting up and running my fingers through my hair, pushing it out of my face.

Alec takes a few long breaths, surely gathering his thoughts. After a few moments, he shifts on his bed (evident by the squeaky springs) and replies, "sort of."

My brows furrow. "What do you mean, 'sort of'?" I ask.

He sighs again. "It's nothing, Mads," he mutters dismissively and I instantly roll my eyes.

"Alec, don't do that. Don't just shrug it off like it's nothing. If you don't tell me what's going on, you know I'll just call Penny and have her do a thorough investigation," I warn with a hint of playfulness in my voice, hoping it'll bring a smile to his face.

I hear him stifle a chuckle and I can't tell whether it's forced or not, but I take it as a win regardless.

"Seriously, Alec. Please tell me."

Alec's silent again. I can hear his heavy breathing on the other end of the line for what feels like an eternity before he starts to speak again. "I'm fine. It's just my dad. Our first scrimmage was last night and I missed a play. You know how he gets when my head's not in the game one hundred percent..." Alec's voice fades out and is replaced with another sigh.

"He didn't-"

"No! No, he didn't do that," Alec interjects before I can even get the words out. "I promise you, Maddie, he didn't lay a hand on me. He just got really...vocal, is all. Torture by means of public humiliation I guess."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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