The Outcasts

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Jake POV

I'm hungry. Then again I'm also drunk. Very drunk. But when I drink I am hungry so I starting clearing out the food stock, starting on some dorritos. Andy is the only one of us sober. Ashley had dragged CC out of his bunk to have a dance party at the back of the new tour bus with him earlier. Think CC has carpet burn on his ass. Jinxx is off with Sammi and I was raiding the food. Andy is lying out in his bunk and looking at a picture we all knew existed on his phone. Iris. We all miss her sure. Sucks that she had to go to school. Sucks that we weren't touring near there. I cough loudly on the dorritos. I jump up and fall back down as my balance is an issue at this moment in time. 

"Andaaaay!" I say and his head appears over the top of his bunk.

"You bellowed?" 

"Dude I just had an epiphany!"

Iris POV

Rolling out of bed at the sound of my buzzing alarm clock I groan. Why did I invest in the annoying piece of crap that is my alarm clock? With half shut eyes I hunt around my room for a decent pair of pants. The ones I am looking for are no where to be found. I make my way across the hall and knock lightly on Crystals door. She answers it with her hair half straightened, half bushy. 

"Morning," I say, "You know where my jeans are?"

She shrugs in reponse and begins to close the door, "Try the line." I make my way downstairs and outside to the washing line. Sure enough my jeans were there, almost fully dry. A piece of paper was sticking out the back pocket and on the verge of dismantling itself from the rest of the paper. I manage to pull it out without ripping it. Ink is smeared beyond any recognition of words on it, it just looked like a blur. I sigh and take down the jeans, shaking them so the exess water falls off. 

This year is going to be different, I tell myself going back upstairs. If anyone hassles me I'll kick them in the nuts. I wince at that idea. What if the guy had to go to hospital? How about if it was a girl? Then that would just be plain awkward. Andy wakes up and lets out a greeting bark when I open the door. 

"Ssssh, it's the morning. Go back to sleep," I mutter. There is no way in hell that that dog is going back to sleep. He's beginning to chase his tail. I pull on the jeans and wander around for the t-shirt that actually made me feel good looking. I want to show the people in school that I've changed. That I'm the same wuss. The thing with David and Crystal had opened my eyes to a whole new perspective. One that said you can't take any shit from anyone. I pull on the t-shirt and look at my atire in the mirror. Jeans that had a slight rip at the knee and a Black Veil Brides t-shirt. I put on some vans shoes and brush out my hair. I meet Crystal going downstairs. I laugh at her outfit choice. Wedges, low cut skinny skinny jeans that showed off every curve she owned and a white tank top, which of course was see through. 

"Nice to," she says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Nice lack of clothes," I return. I smile going down after her. Yup whole different year. But the smile soon disappears when I thought that I had to do it alone when my only friends were off seeing the world. 

Okay either they're looking at my t-shirt or staring at my chest which was not much to look at anyway. 

"You're new right?" I hear a voice behind me. A small girl, around my height, with red hair stands there, smiling. 

I shake my head, "Nope, been here for the last four grades." 

"You're a senior?"

"Way to make me feel old," I joke.

"I'm a Freshman. Name's Jesse," she extends her hand. 


"Pretty name. I love your shirt. Where'd you get it?" she asks, seemingly interested. 

"I went to Download this year."

"Really? Were they amazing? Is Andy as hot in person?" she links arms with me and walks down the coridoor. 

"Best band there and hotter," I catch a gleam in her eye.

"We are going to be great friends," she says, laughing. 

* * *

Thanks for reading! As always let me know what you think! 

And I have a favour to ask... my friends birthday is soon and I am going to make her a video with a few Happy Birthday wishes from various websites. You see where I'm going with this? I was thinking maybe you could leave a seperate comment on this saying something along the lines of 'Happy Birthday Ailish.' She has amazing music taste if that helps?

Thank you again!


The Mortician's Daughter (Black Veil Brides) ✓Where stories live. Discover now