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I wake with a pounding in my head and when I open my eyes my vision is blurred. 

"She's up!" someone says, seemingly relieved. I blink a few times then see an unbelievably pale face and something like clown makeup... I have a fear of clowns. I scream and launch myself foward, causing me to hit my head off of a hard wall and slip into darkness. Again. 

The next time I woke no one was above me. I move my head.

"Do not move, Jinxx!" a really deep voice warns. My heart speeds up. What the hell had happened? Where am I? I sat up quickly which brought a whole new wave of nausea. I put a hand to my head, unsteady. Someone holds me up and I look to the side to see another pale guy. But with mad black hair and wild eyeliner on. I recognised him immediately. 

"Andy Biersack?" I say, rather a statement than a question. He nods. 

"You okay?" he asks. Jeez his voice is deep. 

"I'm... confused..." I say, crinkling up my eyes and looking around. I see four other guys looking at me intently. I recognise them all. Ashley Purdy, Jake Pitts, CC and Jinxx. When my gaze lands on him he gives me an apologetic smile and waves. 

"Sorry for scaring you..." 

"It's okay..." I murmur. Andy is still looking at me wide big blue eyes. "What happened?" I ask no one in particular. 

"We heard screaming... and found you passed out with a bastard ontop of you..." Andy shudders and Ashley continues.

"So Andy went all badass and get him off of you. Jinxx scared the other guys away." Ashley smiles when Jinxx gives him a glare.

"Thanks," I say, hardly believing what was happening. I am in the tour van of Black Veil Brides.

"Very glad you're not freaking," Jake comments and sits back.

"I am on the inside," I say quietly. Suddenly I'm shy. These guys, pretty much my idols, just stopped me being raped. Oh God. I put my face in my hands.

"What we do?" Andy asks, all innocent. I look back up, seemingly tears in my eyes.

"Nothing." I attempt a smile but tears run. Before I could do anything, Andy's arms are around me. Comforting and protective. 

"That asshole is never going near you again," he murmurs.

"Yeah, we called the cops on him. Traces of meth on him..." Ashley says with disgust. I'm fully aware of the guys looking at me. But I don't care. I really need this hug. Andy must have given a gesture to the other guys because after one another, they all gave me hugs. I smile, actually happy.

"Better?" CC asks. I nod and pathetically wipe my tears in my sleeve which is now all torn up. I look down. My whole hoodie is in shreds. Andy notices me looking and leans up on the seat I am on and grabs a hoodie behind him. He hands it to me, smiling.


I unfold it, smiling. My first item of BVB merch. I tug the horrible reminder off of me and put it on. It was sloppy on me. Perfect.

"Thank you. Again," I say.  

"Just glad you weren't hurt," Ashley replies. How did I mistake him for a girl first time I saw him? 

"You need a lift home?" Jinxx asks grinning. I can't keep a straight face at the fact that I knocked myself out because of his make up that reminded my of a clown. I then realize what has been offered.

"A lift home? In your tour van?" My eyes widen at the thought. 

"No. On my magical unicorn," Jake says and rolls his eyes and grins. "Yes, the van." 

I look down, "If it's not a bother... I don't really want to walk..." I say quietly. 

"It'd be a pleasure," Andy says, eyes gleaming. The van moves when I give directions. Andy sits up beside me. 

"You sure you're okay?" he asks. I nod.

"No memory loss. I think I'm good," I say. "Did you guys come from a show?" I ask, noticing the make up and the strong odour of sweat. 

"Yeah, just walking back to the van when we heard you," Andy says and bites his lip. All too soon I see my house. The van stops. 

"Thank you. Again," I say, yet again and get out when Jinxx opens the door for me. Andy is standing behind him and I give them a wave and folding my arms over my chest I walk up the drive. 

"What's your name?" Andy calls. I turn around. 


"Be ready at eight tomorrow, Iris," he says grinning and the van drives off. As soon as I open the door Crystal pounces on me. 

"Where the fuck where you? Mom's been grinding down the phone at me for not knowing where you were. And who's van was that?!" she screeches. 

"Number one, I was busy being attacked. And number two, the people who were in that van saved my life," I say, looking up at her, then pass her upstairs. I know she doesn't believe me because she snorts.

"Where'd you get that hoodie? You must have gotten it out of the trash, it's that faggot emo band. No one would want that." 

I really hate my sister sometimes. At the moment I don't know whether to be absolutely terrified and in trauma that I was attacked or be overjoyingly happy that I met Black Veil Brides and they are coming back for me at eight tomorrow. Andy licks my face when I lie down and I sleep cuddled up to him. Ever time I hear the name Andy I think of my dog. This is going to be a problem. 

The Mortician's Daughter (Black Veil Brides) ✓Where stories live. Discover now