We Stitch These Wounds

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The movie I had rented was Batman. I know I wanted gore but I always had a soft spot for DC comics. So when Andy looked at the cover he raised his eyebrows.

"You knew," he accuses playfully. 

"Of course I did. I planned the whole scene," I say and roll my eyes as Ashley plays it. We're huddled on the spacious floor with blankets wrapped around us for the simple fact that I was shivering and the guys had stripped Jinxx of his duvet privledges and wrapped them around me. I was very embarassed at that but then I was squished at Andy and CC sitting on me. But I was well contained. Finally they settled down and Andy was mouthing almost every line and that made me laugh, which was droned out by Jinxx's hungover grumbles. An odd day to say the least. When the movie was over no one moved, Andy's head was resting on my shoulder and Ashley's legs were sprawled across my lap, CC was at my other shoulder and Jake was resting on Ashley. Eventually Jinxx had made his way down to the bottom on the bed and his feet were on Andy's shoulder so we were all connected in one way or another. The strangest position I've been in to be honest. 

"I'm hungry," CC's voice broke the silence. 

"Room service," Jinxx says, lying back. 

Fifteen minutes later we're stuffing our faces with combinations I would never have thought of. 

"Thanks for keeping my movie," I say, munching on a cross between fries, ketchup and milkshake. Who knew hotels did milkshake room service? 

"Ironic that it was batman," Jinxx says, grinning and shoving Andy with his foot. 

I shrug, "What can I say, I have a soft spot for superheros," I catch eye contact with Andy. 

Later I get hugs and when I say hugs I mean bone crushing hugs. Earlier, they had all walked me home, decided to leave the van at the hotel. Walking down the street with those guys was hilarious. Jinxx had demanded a piggy back ride from Ashley and then CC had picked me up and placed me on Andy's back, Andy's hands firmly around my thighs. I wish these guys went to my school, they'd make everything more bareble. All too soon I see my house lights. They walk me right up to the door and Andy then swings me around and just held my waist for a few moments until Ashley had demanded a hug. Then the hugs came, hence the first sentence. I pull on the sleeves of the hoodie Andy had returned, he is now in a black t-shirt, uneffected by the cold air. 

"We're gonna miss you," CC says suddenly and swoops in for another hug. Then it occurs to me. These guys are in the middle of a tour. I won't see them again. Andy must have noticed my expression and took me in his arms. 

"We're gonna start walking back," Jake said and waves to me. Then it is just Andy and myself, he is holding me tight, but gentle. I feel safe and secure and I don't want him to let go. So when I lookup I saw that he was looking at me, smiling in a sad way. Then he kisses me. I know cliche right? On the doorstep of my house. But it was perfect and I never want it to end. His hands wonder down my back and then after a while he pulled away, kisses the top of my head and walks off down the drive without another word. As I pull open the door my eyes fill up with tears. But I won't cry until I'm in the comfort of my own room with Andy, my dog. I thunder up the stairs and take the lab in my arms and let the tears flow. Later I get ready for bed, taking off my pants a piece of paper flutters to the ground. I pick it up and look at it. There's a number and two words. 

Call me. 

I don't call him. But I text him. A lot. I ran out of credit on numerous ocassions. I am in mid text when my phone rang, Mom.

"Hey Iris!"

"Hi Mom," I say as whole heartedly as I could.

"Any wild parties?" she asks. 

"You know me," I say, hedging the answer. She'd grind Crystal later over the broken lampshade. 

"I do, my good girl. Listen, we're in one of those music shops you like and since it's your birthday in a week what are some of the bands you like?" 

I list them off for her and grin when I say Black Veil Brides. 

"Great! Now the issue of your birthday, we'll be back around eleven that day... so if you want your new friends up to celebrate."

"Eh, they're out of town." I bite my lip. 

"Oh. Okay. We'll do something with the family then," she says, presumably smiling, "No Henry!" she snaps, "Sorry your father was looking at some Justin Bieber thing... Do you like him?" she asks, unsure.

I laugh, "Not in the slightest."

"Okay honey, I'll talk to you later. I have to go before your father buys the place out." 

I grin as she hangs up. 

Evidently I'm getting BVB stuff for my birthday. I text. 

Moments later a reply comes. Good taste. When's your birthday?

The 22nd. In a week. 

Cool, we'll pick up something extra nice for you. 

The rest of the week went by uneventful, Crystal had a tonne of people around and she was constantly taunting me about my missing friends. But I brush it off, remembering the goodbyes. On the 22nd I wake up late to the sound of crashing. I jump up, giving Andy a fright. I grab the baseball bat I keep in my room and with Andy braced at my sight and slowly move down the stairs to see my intruder. 

*  *  *

Thank you for reading, let me know what you think.

As of Friday Andy went back up on stage (: 

- Amy (:

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