Chapter 1 The Audition

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Skylar POV

Today is my audition for a new movie, Pitch Perfect. It's my second audition for a movie. The first one was called '21 & over'. It was really fun to film, and I made a lot of friends. I hope I can say the same for this movie. That is, if I get the part.

When I get to the audition, I sit down next to a blonde girl and introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Skylar."

"I'm Anna. What part are you auditioning for?" She said nicely.

"Um, Jesse. You?"


A man came out of the next room over and called her in.

"Good luck!" I said.

She smiled. "Thanks. You too. I hope to see you at the cast meeting."

The man called her again. "Is there an Anna Camp here?" She went running into the room. I recognized her name. She was in True Blood! Wow! I just met a celebrity. Technically I am too, because of 21 & over, but it hasn't come out yet. I kept thinking about Anna. After about forty minutes, the man called me in.

"Hi. My name is Jason Moore. I'm the director of Pitch Perfect. Let's start with your lines."

"Ok. I'm Skylar." Then I started reciting Jesse's lines. "You're one of those a capella girls, I'm one of those a capella guys, and we're gonna have aca-children....I'm not drunk. You're just blurry.... That's what I want to do. I want to score movies. Bring people to tears, I think only music can do that....You push away anyone who could possibly care about you. Why is that?...I told you. The endings are the best part."

"Wow. You're a really great actor." He complimented me. "What song will you be singing?"

Crap. I didn't know we had to prepare a song. I think of the only song I still know the words to. "Ummm, Touch Me. From Spring Awakening. I was in it."

"Oh yeah! Weren't you the guy with the really weird hair? Georg?"

"Yup. That was me." I say shyly.

"Well, start singing!"

As I finish my song, Jason writes down some notes in his notebook. He dismisses me, and I go back into the other room and sit down next to Anna.

"So how did you do?" She asks.

"Pretty good I think." I say as I look into her eyes. She is so beautiful. "Um, how did you do?"


"That's good."

We kept talking for a while until I was called back for a chemistry read with a brunette named Anna Kendrick. We talked for a few minutes before the reading started. She is really smart and funny. She is pretty too. I hope we get the parts. She is auditioning for Beca, Jesse's love interest. This should be interesting. We get to the reading, and the scene is when Jesse and Beca are talking in the 'quad'.

"You must really sweep your girlfriend off your feet." She says. Anna K. is a really good actress.

"Oh, I don't have a girlfriend." I say back.

"What?!? But you have juice pouches and Rocky!" She says again.

"Guys, that was terrific! Let's try the scene when Beca is at Jesse's dorm trying to ask for his forgiveness. Skylar, you go into the corner of the room. When Anna knocks on the door, pretend to open it after she says her line. Then at the end, shut it in her face."

"Ok." We both say awkwardly. I sit down in the corner of the room. Anna makes a fake knocking sound on the 'door'. "Jesse. I know you're in there. I can smell popcorn. Jesse, come on, open up." I pretend to open the door. "Hey. I tried to call you. I left you a bunch of messages." she says awkwardly again.

"Yeah I got 'em."

"I'm sorry that we fought. I was mad and I overreacted, and Aurey just makes me crazy..."

"Seriously? You think I'm mad because you yelled at me?"

"No. I know..."

"No you don't." I cut her off again. "You think you know, but you don't. You push away anyone who could possibly care about you. Why is that?"

"I don't know." she says quietly.

"Well you better figure it out , because I'm done with...whatever this is."


"I'm done." And I close the door in her face just like Jason told me too. If there was an actual door. It just felt weird to be serious while pushing around air.

"That was great you guys! You did really well, both of you. If you don't hear back from me by Wednesday, you, unfortunately, did not get the part. Good luck. Bring in the next two please." Anna K. and I both left the room again.

"Hey do you wanna go get some coffee? It would help us get to know each other better if we got the parts. Plus, you did really well."

"Thanks. You too. I guess I could come with you. There's a coffee shop right across the street. Let me just go get my jacket." I went back to my seat to find Anna C. next to it.

"Where you going?" she asks cheerfully.

"I was going to get coffee with the other Anna. You can come if you'd like."

"Um. Sure. But I don't want to feel like I'm invading anyone's space...'

"No it's ok. I'm sure Anna is ok with it."

"Anna is ok with what?" Anna K. asks me.

"This is Anna Camp. I was just asking her if she wanted to come with us. Is that ok with you?"

"Of course!" she says reluctantly. "Let's go!"

We all got to the coffee shop across the street. I went to go get the coffees while the girls talked back at the table. As I waited for our coffee, I felt very thinky. I really like Anna C., but I also like Anna K.. Anna K. is really funny, but Anna C. is really pretty. Beca and Jesse have a lot of scenes together, Jesse and Aubrey barely get a few seconds together, and don't talk at all. I'm at a crossroads here. Let's just get through today, and we can see later. I guess that's ok. I was arguing with myself. We all talked for a long time together, and all seemed to get along pretty well, too. I learned Anna K. is a ball-buster. I say something insulting ( as a joke) to her, and she can come up with something meaner and funnier within a matter of seconds. I also learned she was in Twilight (ew) and 50/50. I never saw any of them, but just from that, I could tell she's a really good actress. Anna C. is in True Blood and The Mindy Project. Two more things I've never watched. I told them I was in Spring Awakening, Rent, and 21 & over. They seemed more interested in me than each other. They wanted to know what it was like being in plays all my life. It isn't much different from filming a movie, but we do the same show every time. It also gives me an advantage when filming this movie because it's about a capella singers. I've never done a capella, I told them, but it can't be that hard.

We all go our seperate ways after the coffee shop. The next thing I hace to do is wait for that call.

Waiting for a call that says you got a part in a big-time movie, feels like forever. It was actually only four days, but time doesn't fly then. It feels like it slows down a hundred times. It finally gets to Wednesday, and I get a call from a strange number. Maybe it's from Jason Moore! I pick up the phone and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey. This is Johnny! Is Juanita there?"

"Uh, no. You have the wrong number." I hang up on the strange person. I get another call from a strange number. "Hello?" I say less enthusiasticly. It actually turned out to be Jason!

"Congratulations Skylar! You got the part as Jesse!"

"Really? Thank you so much!"

"There will be a cast meeting on Saturday at three. Same place as the auditions. Congrats again." and he hangs up. I put the phone down and do my 'I'm awkward and happy' dance. I don't usually do it, but this is a big break for me. I can't wait to meet my co-stars.


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Behind the scenes-a Skylar Astin POVWhere stories live. Discover now