Chapter 3 The Note

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Sorry I haven't been updating! I had writers block. Anyway, here's chapter 3!


Skylar POV

I haven't seen or heard from Anna C. in a while. We leave for Louisiana in a few days, and we need her to film the movie. I guess she was scared I would figure out the truth of what happened between her and Ben. There isn't anything anymore. It was just a kiss. Right? I hope so. I have talked to Ben lately and he said there was nothing going on. I trust him.

Anna and I were supposed to go out together tonight. I don't want to be reminded of what happened, and I (ironically) called Ben over to help me get my mind off things. We were going to watch movies at home or something, but that seemed boring. I was thinking we should get out of the house before we couldn't anymore because of the movie. I was getting dressed for the day when I hear a knock at the door. I walk downstairs and look out the window to see who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes. What was she doing here?

"Hi Skylar." She said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm ready for our date. Why aren't you dressed?"

"We're not going out. Remember I said we shouldn't go out because you kissed Ben? We shouldn't see each other."

"But I want to see you. I think you're a really great guy, and I want to go out with you."

"Anna, I've told you this twice already. I don't want to go out with you. You practically cheated on me!"

"Sky, kissing ben was a huge mistake. I..."

"Why did you kiss him?'

'I don't know. I just... He kissed me! I didn't kiss him! He is the one who kissed first. Not me. Do you believe me?"

"That's not what Ben told me."

"You talked to him?"

"Of course. One, he's my friend. Two, I wanted to know who kissed who. ben said you kissed him. I trust him. Look, I don't think we should go out. I think you should go."

"But what about..." Before she could finish, I shut the door.

That chick is crazy. I told her already we weren't going to go out anymore. Why is she so clingy? I think I figured out why Michael divorced her. Just as I was about to go upstairs to get something, I hear another knock at the door. Oh, great. What does she want now? I open the door again, half expecting Ben, half Anna. But it was neither. There was a package with a note taped to the door. I picked up the package, took off the note and went back inside. I set the package down on the kitchen table, and read the note.


I really want to go out with you. Tonight. Ben told me he couldn't come, so you probably don't have any plans. If you want to get to Louisiana or see Ben there, I suggest you come to the restraunt. meet me there at 6:30, go on our date, and you can get Ben back. See you then.

It wasn't signed, but I could tell it was from Anna. What did she mean Ben told her he couldn't come? What did she mean, 'if you want to see Ben'? I have a strong feeling she kidnapped him. Just to make sure she isn't lying I'll drive over to Ben's house. I grab my keys and head out the door. It's only 4:00 so I have plenty of time until my 'date'. I put Ben's  address in my GPS. As my car pulls into Ben's driveway, I notice a window is broken, the front door is open, and Ben's car is gone. I walk up to the house to investigate, and see another note taped to the door. It says: I see you went looking for Ben. Don't worry. He's safe where he is. here is the address of the restraunt we'll meet at. See you soon!

I go back to my house to get ready. As I put all the notes on the table, a rock comes flying into the window, landing next to me. I carefully step around the broken glass and pick up the rock. There's a map tied to it. I untie the rock and open the map. There are a bunch of circles and x's on different places. A circle on the restraunt I'm going to tonight, a circle on the park nearby, an x on Ben's house, another circle on Anna Kendrick's house, and an x on my house. The x's probably mean the target mission was completed, or something like that. The circles are probably the next targets. I look over the map again and see some coordinates written on the back of the map. i go to google maps and type in the coordinates. It takes a long time to load, but finally a picture pops onto the computer screen. An abandoned apartment building in the next town over. no one lives there anymore. its been abandoned for a long time. Why would Anna show me this place? I look at her first note. It says Ben couldn't come and to meet her at the restraunt. The second note says Ben is safe wherever he is. Then it finally clicked. ben is probably being taken to this place. I have to go save him. I look at the clock, and it says 6:10. i have to get ready for my date.

I get dressed and put the address of the restraunt in my GPS again and head out. When I get there, I see Anna waiting for me outside. She looks pretty, but I can't let her get to my head. We get to our table, order our food, and don't talk much. When its over, she takes my hand and pulls me over to the park. I remember it was circled on the map. We sit down on the park bench.

"I know you have Ben." I say.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb! I found your notes and the map. I know you have him somewhere."

"No I don't. All I wanted to do was go out with you. What do you mean you found a map?"

"Someone threw a rock in my window and there was a map tied to it."

"Was there aything on it?"

"Uh, yeah. X's on Ben's house and mine. Circles around the restraunt, the park, and Anna Kendrick's house. but the one around hers was blue, not red. Do you thik that means something?"

"Oh no. I was telling Anna about our date tomight. She probably has Ben. Anything else?"

"There were coordinates on the back. I looked them up and its some old, abandoned apartment building. I think Ben is being held there."

"We have to go find him."

"Let's take my car."

When we get over to my car, there's another map taped to the windshield. the same things except x's on the restraunt and the park. The blue circle on Anna K.'s house is bigger. There is another circle on Anna C.'s house. We start driving to the apartment building.

Behind the scenes-a Skylar Astin POVWhere stories live. Discover now