The Blame

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I wake up in a white room. The faint beeping sound of a heart monitor is the only thing I can hear. My vision is blurry, my head is throbbing, and I can't remember some things from yesterday. At least I hope it was only yesterday. I look to my right and see a clock on the night stand. The time reads 4:35 am. How long was I out for? I have to know what happened to Skylar. Is he ok? Did he survive? It was a pretty big explosion, although I didn't know where it came from. I think I would have remembered Kendrick having bombs or maybe even gas and a match? Something explosive.

Soon enough, my doctor comes in to check on me. "Why did the house explode? " I ask.
"There was a gas leak in the basement. The gas came up from the air vents. Someone turned the heat on, which caused the gas to then explode. Whoever turned the heat on got out just in time."
"Is Skylar ok?"
"He only has minor burns on his face, but unfortunately, has third degree burns on his back from the heat exposure."
"And what about Anna Camp? Is she ok too?"
"Actually, to tell you the truth, she is in worse condition than you. She is currently in a comatose state, but should wake up within the next week. She has a broken arm from being flung backwards in the explosion, and a sprained ankle. She also might have bumped her head on something, which would have ended up in major memory loss, if not treated immediately. Fortunately though, she only will forget what happened in the last few days, but is expected to make a full recovery."

Why would Skylar be burned from the fire and not me? Or even Anna? Was he protecting us in the explosion? I vaguely remember someone covering us when it happened. Skylar seems to really care about us. It seems more like he cares about Anna a lot, even though he doesn't hang out with her as much. I'll have to think about it more closely.

Skylar POV

"Ben is awake. He has abrasions on his wrists, a fractured tibia, and major bruising on his face. Anna, on the other hand, is in a coma. She also has a broken arm and sprained wrist."
"Can I go visit Ben?"
"Sure. But be careful. Don't put to much strain on your arms. They're still burned."
"Ok. I'll be careful."

I quickly run to go to the bathroom before head over to see Ben. I look in the mirror to see what damages are done. There it is. My face looks like half cooked bacon. It is so burned and hurts like hell, but anything to protect Ben. Its a small price to pay to make sure he is ok. I have to tell him about my feelings for him. Today. I bet he thinks I'm more interested in Anna, but I've secretly been misleading him. This is the most important thing on my mind right now. Other than the fact Anna's in a coma. I'll go see her later.

I walk to Ben's room which isn't very far from mine. I still have my clothes on from yesterday. The sleeves on my shirt are a little charred off, and the buttons are sort of...melty. Other than that, I'm fine.

As I walk into Ben's room, he looks a little shocked.
"What happened to your face?" He asks concerned.
"I was burned in the fire. While I was protecting you and Anna."
"Really? I feel so bad now!"
"Don't be. I'm ok." I walk over to him and sit next to him on his bed. This is perfect. I have to tell him now. "Ben?"
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure. What about?" He asks unsure.
"Well, for a while now, I have been thinking about my feelings for someone close to me. I have actually been thinking about it since the day we met. All I really have left to say about the matter is... I don't like Anna."
"So... What are you saying then?"
"Really? You do? That's great because I like you too. I just didn't want to scare you off. I didn't know if you were gay or not."
"Well I guess I am. Would you like to go out sometime?" I say smiling.
"Yes. I would be happy to." Ben says smiling back. I pull him into a hug and he kisses me on the cheek. "Its about time." He says.

We sit there talking to each other about happier things like filming our movie, us as a couple, everything finally going back to normal. After a couple hours, we decide to go visit Anna. Ben gets into a wheelchair because of his bad leg, and I wheel him down to her room. When we get there, I feel like leaving. I don't want to see one of my best friends in her condition. She just lays there on the bed, wires and tunes sticking out of her. Her face is slightly burned, has a cast around her whole arm from fingers to shoulder, and a brace on her ankle. Her face is pale, lifeless, and depressing to look at. She doesn't have that perky look she usually has. She is almost...unrecognizable. Ben sits in the chair next to her bed, and I sit next to her. We sit there for a moment, me holding her hand, praying that everything would be ok. After a good ten minutes, Ben and I look at each other. He looks as sad and heart broken as I probably do. The doctor mentioned something about minor memory loss, but she would still remember us. Within a week, she would probably wake up. What if she doesn't? What if she doesn't wake up? What if she needs to be put on life support for weeks? What if she's gone by tomorrow? Shut up, Skylar. You're over thinking it again. Anna will wake up. She will remember you. She will be ok.

I blame myself for all this. Its my fault I dragged her to the house and made her act as bait so I could save Ben. She could have died for God sake! But of course I had to come into her life and screw everything up. I should have never even asked her out. Then she would have never told Kendrick about our date, and we all wouldn't be in this mess. I have to make it up to her.

But how?

What will happen to Anna next?
Will she remember them?
Will Skylar go out with Ben?
Will they end up together?
What happened to Kendrick?
Is she still out there?
Will Kendrick make it to the end of the book?
Will Skylar get kidnapped?
Will Adam Devine show up somewhere?
Leave your answers in the comments. I read them all!

Behind the scenes-a Skylar Astin POVWhere stories live. Discover now