A Year Ago & Present

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A year ago...

As I emerged from the curtains on the stage, the spotlight turned to me. That was the time I realized that despite the heavy rain outside, many people still went to the theater and didn’t want to miss the musical play.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” I called out. “We are all gathered here to witness a story about how the music bound the two lovers, a story about finding a real love, a story about how the two played the music of their love... It’s a story about me… and the woman who is my favorite music of all. A person among you is my wife… and I dedicate this to you.”

I’m the one who composed all the music throughout the play – dedicated to my wife.


I’m about to reach the last page of the sheet music, and I remember what happened a year ago – I lied to everyone when I told them that a person among them was my wife. But one thing is certain to me – the truth I hope was just a terrifying nightmare – that day was her first death anniversary and today is the second.

I suddenly stop playing the piano. As I turn the last page of the sheet music, I see the letter she wrote on the last page two years ago – the letter which I have read for many times.

          I wrote all the compositions here and they are all dedicated to you. The time has come and now I have the courage to tell you all of my secrets.

         After our 9th monthsary with you as my boyfriend, I decided to walk my life away from you. I told you that I didn’t love you anymore. But I want you know that that was contrary to my heart. That was the day I found out that I had eye cancer which I had inherited from my mother. That’s the reason why I broke up with you. For you not to know my situation.

         I know I just gave you agony and I know that I should have told you, but that is far better than if you learned about my sickness. I know how it feels since I experienced it when I found out about my mother’s sickness. It is very tormenting when you know that your love one is on the verge of death. I didn’t want you to experience what I had experienced.

          I went under chemotherapy for several months, and I thought I survived it. I waited for several months to get my hair back to its length. I’m not used to wearing eyeglass but my sight was still blurred.

          I went to your home to give you this sheet music as a gift to reconcile with you, but I found out that you’re not living there anymore. I didn’t know where to find you.

          However, when I went back to the theater, I saw you standing there in front of the theater. Were you looking for me that day? I called your name and as you turned around, the days we had shared together recollected in my mind and my heart. I decided that instead of giving you this sheet music, I would play the music for you... the music of my love for you. The love reechoed between us after that very day.

          Two months ago, the day of our wedding, I promised to God that I would be your woman for a lifetime... but the lifetime seems a short time for us. Any moment from now, I will leave you... forever.

          Just one month ago, I learned that cancer cells are still living in my body. I have consulted many doctors but all of them told me that I only had a few days left to live... few days to be with you.

          I already anticipated that I would get blind that’s why I had written this letter before it would happen.

          I’m sorry because I’ve been selfish. I take all the sufferings and I never want to see you suffering.

          Do you still remember the day we met? That day was the day when I conducted a musical play dedicated to my mother on her first death anniversary. Please do me a favor. Please do the same thing on my first death anniversary.

          If my mother is just alive, I’ll tell her that her wish for me that I would find my real love came true. You’re the one who has fulfilled my mother’s dream.

          The only thing I wish for is your happiness. You have to be happy after I pass away. Find another woman who will make you happy.

          My piano is now yours. Please take care of it because I’ll be the piano.

If only I get a chance, I’m going to tell her I don’t need another woman for she was my happiness... she is my happiness... and she will be my happiness forever. She who is the first person in the entire world who appreciated my talent. She who helped me reach my dream. She who showed me the meaning of love. She’s the reason why I’m still living. She is the music of my life... the piano of my life.

The gray clouds started to burst. Perhaps, it is the first rain in the month of April.

People outside are hastily looking for a place to wait for the rain to stop, but I don’t think that heaven will stop on crying. Heaven has been so sympathetic for the past five years. Heaven, are you crying with me? You’re crying more than I cry.

I always play piano every time there is a rain. Rain is the only one who can understand my predicaments and willing to sympathize. People outside will never know that I’m crying, because the raindrops falling on the glass hide the teardrops I’m shedding on the piano.

But should I cry? I have to prove her that she will be my happiness forever. I wipe away the tears off my cheeks and the piano keys. I start to reminisce only the happy moments we are together.

Love is not counting the years you have shared good moments… but counting the good moments you have shared even in just a few years.


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Check out also my other stories:

1. The Blank Canvas

2. Crossroads

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