
538 10 1

Request from @invisible_Cal

Sorry haven't updated in ages! I have been really busy!

Your POV

Your heart stopped. For the first time in forever (A/N that's a frozen song right?) you were finally going to meet your most favoured band in the world. Black Veil Brides. You were at a meet and greet with your friend Y/F/N and was waiting in the line; It had been two hours already and you could barely see the guys but your heart kept jumping and missing beats when you hear their angelic voices from afar, but you couldn't hear that much cause everyone was being SO FUCKING LOUD.

Your friend was talking to you but you weren't really listening, you were daydreaming. So many scenarios were playing in your head of how you wanted this first meeting to go. Jake sweeping you off your feet and into his arms against his buff chest with a smile that could kill, taking you back to the tour bus and having his way with you; But that obviously was never going to happen, but you wish it would. His beautiful smile and laugh was stuck in your head as you imagine how awkward and idiotic you were going to be in front of him, you were determined not to slip over and fall on your face into a cake in front of him. To your amazement, THE LINE ACTUALLY MOVED FORWARD. Although it didn't move much and you still couldn't see the boys your heart kept beating like you were going to have a heart attack, your breath hitched and you held your stomach "hey your not going to be sick are you? Were in the middle of the line and if we go out we have to go to the back. I love you and all but I ain't moving all the way back there" Y/F/N spoke, pointing to the back of the line. Your eyes widened "wow.." You gawped at how long the line was, it was still going as it went out the entrance doors. You sipped on your water and stood up tall "we're not going anywhere" you smiled and your friend smiled back.

The time has finally came and you were going to meet BVB! You stood up to the stage, staring at the steps as you go to make sure you don't embarrass yourself, first was CC. He was so sweet you couldn't help but squeeze his cheeks (on his face) and take a picture with him. Next it was Andy, you had bought him a batman hoodie, he smiled at you with his gorgeous smile and he signed your phone case as you asked.

(Skip to Jake ----->)

At this time. Your heart actually stopped, you shuffled towards him and he did nothing but smile and wave at you as you approached, you couldn't help but giggle.. Until. Your eyes widened as you felt a wire beneath your feet, you looked down and sighed at your stupidity as you just let yourself fall over because if you tried to save yourself, you would end up pulling down the table cloth or make even more mess. You heard many people laugh at you, you didn't know what to do, but the only thing you knew that you could do to get away from the embarrassment was to run. Fast. You ran quickly to the bathroom and started crying, looking at yourself in the mirror, your eyeliner was dripping down your face and your eyes were bloodshot "well done Y/N... You made a fool of yourself... Like always...." Tears kept streaming down your face, you had just embarrassed yourself in front of thousands of people and most importantly in front of Jake.
You heard a knock at the door "it's open..." You squeaked as you wiped away the black eyeliner from your cheeks "hi. I can't exactly come on... Cause I'm not a girl." You heard a chuckle, you recognised the voice. But you thought that would be too surreal, you opened the door and looked straight in the face of Jake. Your eyes widened as you covered your face with your hands "hey hey don't worry about it" Jake said taking your hands and moving them away from your face "your beautiful, and it was cute that you tripped up." He smiled and you raises an eyebrow, completely surprised by his actions. You saw him lean forward, you didn't know what to do! Should you lean back? Should you lean forwards also? Should you slap him in the face? Should you wraps your arms around his neck? What do you do?!
After a long but short argument with yourself in your head you finally decided to lean forward also and capture your lips with Jake's.

You opened your eyes and your friend was standing in front of you, clicking her fingers in front of your face. "HEY! DON'T PASS OUT YET! WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOT TO THE FRONT OF THE LINE!" She laughed slapping your face lightly "you were either asleep or daydreaming standing up, one of the two." She said turning back around in attempt to have a glimpse of BVB. You sighed, 'damn, that daydream seemed so real....' You thought to yourself.

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