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Your P.O.V

The morning light peeking from your window, making you wake up in someone's arms. You looks up, seeing Daichi was asleep hugging you tightly.  You smile softly at him, then closes your eyes. You heard a knocks from the door, then struggles slowly didn't want to make Daichi's awake. You walk to the door, then open it slowly, seeing some police were outside your house.

"W-what is the problem,officer...?" You stutters, you afraid, because you never had so much people come to your house like that, especially they were police.

"Have you seen (your aunt name) yesterday? Or today?" The one in front of you asks, then you nods slowly.

"(y/a/n) yesterday came night" You said slowly, almost like whispering. The police nods and take out a memo.

"Do you know where is she going last time you saw her?" He asks,then you shakes your head. "No i don't. Daichi-nii said that he want to go to talk with (y/a/n)..." You says, and the police face turns to be worried, then  quickly turn back into normal expression.                                           

"Well,did Daichi Kaenagi come back after that?"  He asks again, and you nods. The police nods once again,"What did he said?"

"(y/a/n) will never bother us again!" You said cheerfully, but all of the police's face turn dark, like they were just saw a ghost.

Another police walk up to the police who's holding the memo. "Daichi Kaenagi is just a 11 years old boy" All of the police sighs, then the interview continue.

"Ne,ne,Mr., what happened to Auntie...?" You said, as the police that's in front you turn back to his co-worker, then looks at you.

"(y/a/n) has been found dead on the street,she has been murderer" He said, and you froze in fear. You shakes your head, trying not to think that Daichi is the killer. He is such a good person, and he's still 11! He can't really kill a person, did he?

Suddenly Daichi grab your waist, pulling you into a hug. "Ohayou, (y/n)-chan! I see that you're talking with police right here~ Well,(y/n)-chan,go back to your room, i will talk with them. Grown up business, alright?" He looks at you, winking.  You just smile, then nods.

"Alright Niichan!" You said, and run into the house.

"So,is there's something wrong, officer?" He said, with a deadly grin.

Daichi's P.O.V

The police look at me, with horror on his face. I then put on my smile, then smirks.

"Alright officer, if you just want to stay there, please just go. I will just ask my sister" I said, and closes the door. I can hear the voice of police's car fading away, and i smirks more. I look down, to the card on my hand. The police's card name, the one who ask (y/n)-chan so many question, making her in shock.

I get upstairs, walking to (y/n)'s room. "(y/n)-chan~ Let's eat breakfast~!"


I think this is the last chapter I'll write this year,or not. Idk,i can't see the future XD

Oh well,i know this is short, but still my hands tired T^T Alright! See you again!


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