Chapter 5

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«The night of the Halloween costume dance Anna's P.O.V»

"Peter, hurry your lazy butt up, we're gonna be late!" I yelled from outside of Peter's room.

"I am, have some patience!" Peter said. A few seconds later Peter opened the door. He was in his suit, as was I but we kept our masks off until we left.

"Guys we're leaving, we'll be back in a few hours!" I yelled. Peter and I walked out of the house and made our way to the school, putting our masks on in the process. When we got to the school we walked into the gym and were surprised to see so many people wearing cool costumes. Stella ran up to us, clearly not knowing who we were. She was dressed like a Barbie doll, LITERALLY like a Barbie doll.

"Omg, you're Spiderman! Who are you?" She asked, while facing me.


"Oh, cool." She said enthusiastically. I looked over at Peter, and rolled my eyes know knowing he could see my eyes. He had made the suit specifically so we were able to see each other's eyes.

After about an hour of dancing to various songs there was a loud crashing sound. I looked over at Peter and nodded.

"Stark, we have hostiles approaching the school."

"Got it, on our way." He said. A second later Chitauri burst through the doors.

"I'll hold them off, get everyone to safety." Peter said. I nodded. I walked up to the principle.

"Sir, you need to get everyone to the weight room. They'll be safe down there."

"Why should I take orders from a person in spandex?"

"Do you wanna die?"

"No, I'll get on that." He said before beginning to lead all of the screaming teens to the weight room. I begun to attack the Chitauri with Peter when Thor, Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Stark burst in behind the Chitauri and started attacking them.

"Where's Bruce?" I asked.

"Packing our things, we have to leave. We're going to Chicago." Nat said.

"Thank goodness, I do not like this place." I said. One of the Chitauri grabbed me, pulled my mask off and threw me through the wall and into the weight room. I opened my eyes, stood and brushed the rubble off of my suit. I looked around at the people standing in the room looking shocked.

"Oh my gosh, you're a superhero?" Stella asked.

"Yup, kinda makes you wish you didn't make fun of me now right?"

"I'm not the one in a unitard." Something inside me snapped and I lashed out.

"If I wasn't in this suit, I wouldn't be saving your ass." I said before stepping back throughout the hole in the wall and fighting again.

«In Chicago Anna's P.O.V»

"Anna Marie Jackson. You were reckless and stupid to try to take on Loki by yourself. Also you show no respect for anyone with a badge." Nick Fury said. God I hate this guy.

"Well you know what you can do with that badge."

"What?" He asked in and angered tone.

"You can take that badge and shove it up your ass!" I yelled before storming out of the room. I walked into my new room and was about to slam the door when a hand stopped me.

"What's your deal with Fury?" Peter asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said while Peter walled in the room, I slammed the door.

"Just please tell me Anna." Peter said.

"Fine. A month after Loki took over Fury sent my parents in with some other agents. My parents kept me a secret so Fury wouldn't force me to be an agent. Loki had forced my parents to tell him where I was and he murdered them in front of me. Surprisingly Loki didn't kill me after he killed my parents. A month after that I decided to try and attack Loki. We see how that turned out." I said.

"Anna." Peter said while hugging me.

"Thanks Peter." I said hugging back. Peter pulled away from our hug and held my face in his hand, running his thumb across my cheek. Peter pulled my face to his and kissed me. His kiss was full of passion and love. We pulled away and Peter kissed my forehead.

"I'll go talk to Fury." Peter said softly. Peter opened the door and walked out and down the hall. I closed the door, put my back to it and slid down to the floor. I looked at my room and took in the entire place. Dark hardwood floor, royal purple walls, my bed was a simple full size bed with black and white striped pillows and blankets. My own bathroom. Tony is so generous, although most people probably don't think so. I stood and walked over to my bed and sat down, I heard muffled yelling coming from down the hall, but I couldn't tell what was being said.

'I hope Fury doesn't force me to be an agent.' I thought to myself. Then someone knocked on my door really hard.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Open the door, Anna." Fury's voice came from the other side of the door.

"No." I said. Fury opened the door anyway.

"Really, Fury? Get out, you're the reason why my parents are dead. Do you even know what I went through? My parents were murdered in front of me! Two months ago! I hate you Nick Fury, get the hell out of my room before I make you." I said in a stern tone. Fury sighed.

"Fine, I'll leave, but mourning isn't going to get you anywhere." He said before storming out of my room.

"Whatever." I mumbled while closing the door. I looked at the clock sitting on my dark brown night stand and saw it was ten o'clock p.m. I should try to get some sleep to get my mind off of things. I went to my closet and grabbed my pajamas. I quickly changed and climbed into my bed.

"I remember you now, Anna, I killed your parents in front of you two months ago. It took quite a while for them to tell me where you were. But I got it out of them." Loki said in my head.

"How did you know about me?" I asked in my mind.

"I read their minds." He said. I tried to block my thoughts from Loki in order to sleep.

'They were thinking about me before they died? We're they hoping I was safe?' I thought to myself. I quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up I looked over at my alarm clock sitting on my nightstand. Nine o'clock a.m. I got out of my bed and walked out of my room and into the kitchen/living room. Everybody was sitting at the table while Bruce made food.

"Morning everyone." I said while taking the empty seat next to Peter. Everyone mumbled a good morning and Peter put his arm around me.

"Breakfast is served." Bruce said while dishing out eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and drinks.

"Thanks Bruce." I said. Then there was a crash from the other room. We all stood and ran to the room where the glass broke. It was an extra bedroom, and Loki stood in the center with his Chitauri with him. Loki disappeared then appeared behind Peter and grabbed him. Loki ran to the window and jumped out along with the rest of his Chitauri.

"PETER, NOOOO!" I yelled. I tried to run and stop them but Steve held me back.

"Steve let go I can save him!"

"No, you're gonna hurt yourself. Come on, let's get you to your room." Steve said while leading me to my room. I sat down on my bed and Steve left me to be alone. I cried and cried all day wishing it was me and not Peter. Later on I fell asleep on my bed and started dreaming of Peter. He was kneeling on the ground facing me with Loki standing behind him.

"I will release your friend if you join me, and come alone. We don't want any of your other friends complicating things now would we?" Loki said. I stared directly into Peter's eyes, this was no dream. It was Loki giving me a vision.

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